Voyager Landing Procedure


Unlike many Federation Starships, the intrepid class U. S. S. Voyager NCC-74656 has the capability to land on a planets surface. Such landings are not intended to be routine; like other Starfleet vessels, Intrepid-class starships are equipped with transporters and shuttlecraft. The landing maneuver is only used in extreme circumstances, normally when some form of interference prevents the safe use of the transporters or if, for some reason the entire crew must leave the ship. Because Starships rarely need to land, few pilots have ever performed the landing procedure. It is however, taught at Starfleet Academy using holodeck simulations. Given reasonable atmospheric conditions, the landing procedure is relativity straightforward. During landing and take-off, the ship goes to condition blue, the warp core is taken offline and the inertial dampers and structural integrity fields are set to maximum. The pilot then plots a standard glide trajectory to take the ship down to the planet surface. Minor course corrections may be necessary, and the inertial dampers have to be adjusted to match the planet atmosphere.