What was New? (for 1998) |
27/01/1998 |
- Created this what's new page |
- Added Terrakian and Marritza's bios. |
- Updated Firespray's bio. |
28/01/1998 |
- Corrected Hargen's rank |
- Removed a player |
- Corrected Brennan's race |
31/01/1998 |
- Added Rogers bio. |
- Updated OPS logs |
03/02/1998 |
- Redesigned What's new? page |
- Added art to What's new? And OPS page. |
- Updated the OPS Logs page |
- Updated the OPS Projects page |
- Added About OPS Homepage (All gamers should read this!!!) |
05/02/1998 |
- Added the Crew Logs index (A must see for players!) |
- Minor Cosmetic Changes to all pages (basically from any page you can now drop me a line) |
10/02/1998 |
- Fixed Hargen's name from Theodora to Theroa |
- Fixed Hatcher's date of birth from 2340 to 2350 |
- Fixed a name entry log in Brinn's index to Spare Parts Part III instead of RE: Thank Q - Work and Play |
- Added two entries for Mallory's logs: Sleepless Night (Chapter 1 - 16/12/97) and Staff Meeting - Science Report (Chapter 2 - 13/01/98) |
- Added Flight Control Dept.'s Crew Rotations |
- Added François DeMontigny's bio |
- Added Arda Kaje's bio |
- Added Talis'Agar bio |
- Added the Jeb Kirby's bio |
- Removed a player |
- Added all remaining logs to it's index for Chapter 2: Thank Q |
11/02/1998 |
- Fixed Kirby's rank |
- Added Science Dept. Crew Rotations |
15/02/1998 |
- Added chapter 1 logs. They are now online (1 log missing) |
- Added Lorelei's bio |
- Added D'monz bio |
- Added the ICQ uin address for all registered players |
16/02/1998 |
- Added Jarel's bio |
- Redesigned the crew bios page |
- Added François picture |
18/02/1998 |
- Updated Science Dept. Crew Rotations for NPC's status players |
- Added Tactical Dept. Crew Rotations |
- Removed a player |
- Added a new entry in the project's page |
- Redefined Crew Rotation page to show race and sex attributes |
- Added missing log from Chapter 1. Chapter 1 is complete now. |
27/02/1998 |
- Updated DeMontigny's email address |
- Added Shuttle Bay dept. Crew Rotations |
- Updated Flight Control dept. Crew Rotations |
11/03/1998 |
- Updated Rogers bio |
- Updated François ICQ number |
- Added Medical dept. Crew Rotations |
- Updated Jarel's and Brennan's email addresses |
- Added Taralak's bio |
- Added Ramin's bio |
- Added Ramius' bio |
- Added Verde's bio |
- Removed 2 players |
- Switched Lorelei to NPC status |
- Added link to New Species Databank page |
- Added link to Engineering page |
- Added link to Grail's Main Page |
- Added link to Omega's Company page |
- Added link to Flight Control page |
- Added link to Shuttlebay's page |
19/03/1998 |
- Updated Ramin's bio |
- Updated Crew Roster page |
- Removed a player |
- Updated Taralak's bio |
- Updated Shift Rotations for new players |
29/03/1998 |
- Added Verde's ICQ uin |
- Added Fionn's bio, as well as Rotation |
- Removed a player |
- Updated OPS logs |
01/04/1998 |
- Added Charr's bio, as well as Rotation |
- Added 2 missing logs from chapter 1, effectively closing all logs for that chapter |
- Added 75% of all logs for chapter 2 |
05/04/1998 |
- Added all Logs for Chapter 3 - Completed up to 99% Logs for Chapter 2 - Added Roak's bio |
12/04/1998 |
- Removed a player |
- Added Jarel's ICQ uin |
- Switched Charr's rotation from Blue to Red shift |
- Added Roak's pic and fixed his rank to 1st Lieutenant |
- Added Mirka Tzavaras bio |
- Placed Chapter 4 logs online |
18/04/1998 |
- Added pictures for Terrakian and Mallory |
- Added Star Trek News Ticker on a test basis |
19/04/1998 |
- Added picture for Charr |
30/04/1998 |
- Added picture for Tzavaras |
- Included formal reprimands on both DeMontigny's and Fionn's record for "Conduct unbecoming of an officer." |
03/05/1998 |
- Updated new email address for DeMontigny |
04/05/1998 |
- Added Operations and Management Department's graphic for ALL pages |
- Added Chapter description graphics for Chapter logs pages |
- Updated Damage Control Protocols Chart to reflect new organization, now that a new assistant of OPS has been appointed |
- Added sorting criteria rules for the Crew Logs Indexes |
- Corrected minor spelling mistakes in two pages |
- Added new entry for the OPS Department's logs |
- Added new entry for the OPS Projects page |
- Updated Deshaine's status from prisoner to Special Projects Division |
22/06/98 |
- Changed personality profile for Brennan's bio |
- Switched Roger's rank to Mess Specialist First Class. |
- Removed several player's entries |
- Reviewed and made changes to ALL pages |
- Added Hargen's, Brennan's and Mallory's pictures |
02/07/98 |
- Added Race, Teresina, and Furalk's biographies |
- Fixed rotations for players and removed killed NPC's |
- Changed Tzavara's email address and added her ICQ number |
- Fixed K'tel and Brisby's positions |
- Updated Deshaine's status to Assistant Chief Science Officer |
- Added Links to the New Medical Homepage |
08/07/98 |
- Removed a player |
- Corrected ranks for Brennan, Race and Ackland |
24/07/98 |
- Readded Parker's bio and rotations |
- Removed a player |
- Added new Computer Module |
- Added Azlan Tigeris and Bob Hunter's bio and rotations |
- Added Counseling Department Crew and Rotations |
- Added update for the offline browsing package |
25/07/98 |
- Fixed Engineering Page Link |
- Added Hunter's ICQ number |
26/07/98 |
- Added many new computer modules (they are growing like crazy!) |
05/09/98 |
- Added Experimental Web Counter |
16/09/98 |
- Removed Offline browsing package for lack of interest :( |
- Updated Links to the rest of the Grail's resources |
- Added Indexes for chapters 5, 6 and 7 |
- Added 2 new entries to the OPS Logs |
- Updated Ramin's and DeMontigny's email addresses |
04/10/98 |
- Removed many player entries from rotations and biographies |
- Updated Tzavaras status on her bio page to Lt. (jg) |
- Added picture links back to the Ops page, the Bios page, and the Computer page |
- Added Kaje, Ramin, McDannon and Ackland's ICQ numbers |
- Changed style of Biograph and Rotation pages |
- Updated Tzavaras, Race and Brisby's email address |
- Added bios for Olvany, Loden, and McDannon |
- Updated Tzavaras logs and Logs' Statistics |
10/10/98 |
- Just updated! All crew logs for Chapters 5 and 6 are online! |
- Made some graphics maintenance. Pages will load faster! |
- Updated DeMontigny's status to Chief of Flight Control |
17/10/98 |
- All crew logs for Chapters 7 are online |
- If you are using your ICQ, your status will now appear on the Bio page |
18/10/98 |
- Added ICQ uin numbers for Race, Loden and Olvany |
19/10/98 |
- Added Real Audio files to OPS Logs. It gives a completely new experience to 'reading' the logs - Try them out! |
22/10/98 |
- Logs index for Chapter 8: Kerestia is online |
31/10/98 |
- Added Pain's Bio |
28/11/98 |
- Added Pico and Fotheran bios |
12/11/98 |
- Site is going through Improvement changes: |
A) Dropped Le'fastcounter method of tracking visitors. Now using Nedstats. |
B) New Java Based Main OPS Page |
Bugs? Corrections? Broken Links?
Contact Corvette Hunt for Maintenance of OPS, Logs and Biographies