Lt. Cmdr. Janice Theroa Hargen
Chief Engineering Officer
Janice Theroa HargenSex:
FemaleTerran Age:
TerranDate of Creation:
October 28th, 2350Place of Creation:
Juneau, Alaska, TerraMarital Status:
SinglePhysical Characteristics:
Klingon martial arts, acting, music - French horn specialty, horseback riding, dam’jat, writing novels, singingEducation:
Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, TerraLanguages:
Terran, Klingon, Romulan, VulcanService Record:
Ensign on USS RougetDecorations:
Janice was born in Juneau, Alaska, Terra, in 2350. Her father was never known, and her mother, Louise Hargen, never explained who he was. Her mother was known to frequently visit men’s homes, and even visited the well-known Doctor Reginald Mandan, the creator of Ensign Kaya, the android modeled after Lieutenant-Commander Data, now serving aboard the USS Defender. Janice’s school records were lost in a blaze that even the environmental controls on Earth could not calm for days. The cause of the blaze was never known. Due to Janice’s unhealthy home life, i.e. not having a fatherly influence, and her mother known as a prostitute, Janice was never completely able to follow the orders of those above her in Starfleet Academy. She only joined in order to get a better education, so she could escape Juneau, which she loathed. Entering Starfleet Academy, she immediately took an interest in engineering, which she excelled at. Although she took little time to study, she graduated at the top of her class - at least academically. Her behavior record was another story. She was arrested numerous times for conduct unbecoming to an officer, and was even suspended for approximately a week. Her problem with authority figures was never really resolved, and this was most noticeable on her service on the USS Rouget. The captain aboard the USS Rouget included this in her transfer record.
"Janice is a remarkable officer. She has a peculiar talent with the computer and the engines that I have never seen in any other engineering officer. She can diagnose a problem in the engines almost before any symptoms occur. She has a natural feel for the ship that I doubt I will ever see again in my lifetime. This accounts for her obviously quick promotion to a full Lieutenant. I would easily recommend her for an even higher ranking engineering position and keep hold of her - but for one thing. Her inability to cope or follow orders has and always will be a detriment to her career. Until she can control herself, I would recommend that she be posted as far away from Starfleet as possible."
Janice was then transferred to the USS Grail, and in spite of (or perhaps because of) the transfer note from her previous captain, she was granted the position of Chief Engineer of the USS Grail.
Personality Profile:
Janice has always had a problem with following orders since her childhood. She grew up with no real parents, her father unknown, and her mother always out. She raised herself in the outdoors of Alaska, and since, she has always had a peculiar insensitivity to cold. But her personality is not completely negative. She loves to laugh, at almost any occasion, due to her innate pleasure in seeing others laugh as well. Although she is unwilling to accept any orders from a leader, she will take to heart any comments made by a friend. She hopes to become a proficient Chief Engineer, as well as one day finding her father.
Special Notes:
Her talent with computers and all complex machinery was not unnoticed in the Academy. She has always seemed to know, most times, without even checking the readings exactly what was wrong with a piece of machinery and just how to fix it. Much of her early life’s records were lost in the fire, and thus not much is known of her background.