Ship Alert Protocols


Here is a description of all ship alert protocols onboard the USS Grail.


Condition Green: It's the normal condition/operation of a ship. Going into green condition is initiated by the chief officer (CO, usually the captain), or the executive officer (XO, usually the first officer). All systems go back to normal. All alert awareness lights go off, and an audible confirmation is issued. All crew shifts return to their normal rotations.


Condition Blue: Can be initiated by any senior officer or bridge officer on duty. upon initiation, all systems are brought to standby. Blue condition is indicated blue lights and an audible notification. All active teams crew report to their duty stations.


Yellow alert: Can be initiated by the CO, XO, or any senior bridge or engineering officer on duty. Upon initiation, all generators are brought online. All active crew members immediately report to duty stations. Non-active crew members are to ready themselves (wake up, dress), and standby for orders. If the senior bridge officer so desires, the tactical officer may raise shields, and prepare both phasers and torpedoes, although it's not required upon entering yellow alert.


Red Alert: Can be initiated by the CO, XO, or any senior bridge or engineering officer on duty. Upon initiation, shields are raised to maximum. Standby generators are brought online, phaser cannons are charged, photon and quantum torpedoes are armed and loaded. Red shift is to immediately take command of the vessel, while blue shift is to backup them. All yellow shift personnel are to integrate damage control parties. Also any non-duty starfleet officer is to go to damage control parties as well. Red Alert is indicated by red strobes and lights in all compartments. There's also a 5 second klaxon and an audible notification.


Auto-Destruct: To initiate the self destruction sequence, computer verification of the CO and XO of the ship must both authorize initiation of the sequence. If the CO is confirmed by the computer to be unavailable, four of the remaining senior staff must authorize the sequence in addition to the XO. If the XO is confirmed to be unavailable, two of the senior staff must authorize the sequence in addition to the CO.

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