
Omega Company Marine - Lance Corporal

Name: Aai
Race: Hybred. See notes
DOB: Estimated to be 30 years

Height: 5 foot 3
Weight: 60 kilos
Hair: Black long straight down waist
Eyes: Tawny golden colour
Complexion: Toasted tan - like golden suntan
Physique: Small, petite
Distinguishing Marks: No markings.


Aai was creation of gene pool experiment. She has genetic material from thirty nine races in genetics pool. Races identified are: Human - Vulcan - Klingon_ Betazoid - Tholians - Trills - romulan - Acamarians - Akritiri - Anticans - Benzities - Bynars _ Cartians _ Changelings - Cytherians - Drayans - Etanian Order - Al Aurians - Gorn - Thasian - Troyians _ Zetarians - Bajoran- Gideons _ Kalandan - Melkotians _ Metrons _ Orions - Sarpeidons- Talosians_ Haakonians - Hydran - Kzini- Nassari_ Ilari_ Sikarions _ Species 8472 - Zetarians - Vhnori

Starfleet Notes:

Science project under Starfleet black operations approved funded by Starfleet with purpose creating combining by gene manipulation hybred breed with longer than normal life span, high IQ and benefits that each the individual gene pool suppliers supply, was progress 53 years before was stopped. During time, many creations terminated due inappropriate development. At time project shut down, Starfleet sent rectification team officers terminate creations. Women called Aai, not deemed be creation by looks and disability. Not until relocation been performed it discovered she indeed creation. Board of review refused allow termination. Labelled dangerous because identified races within genetics, was dispatched to holding centre, until location her was found.


Aai quietly spoken, barely above whisper. She friendly but deaf. Most talk done hand sign, will talk verbally prefers speak with hands. Uses translator capture sound translate to written for read translator repeats the process for the commbadge.

Counsellor notes:

Aai background not known alot about. She got lot knowledge about lot subjects, quickly acquires additional knowledge very quick rate and maintains it. Had shown ability associate freely other races, not prone violence, rage is most serene person I ever encoutnered. I not consider her dangerous.

Security notes:

Aai been rated extremely dangerous. The subjects body able repair itself 300% quicker than other race, therefore need medical aid far limited. Based this ability, ability render the subject dead also limited. Tests on subject for restraint purposes with phaser, established that stun setting does not work. Kill setting phaser merely absorbed inteo subjects body. Subjects tests with toxicians show subjects body merely absorbes. There is no physical reaction 90% toxicans. In small 10% category subject showed minor reaction, in form of rash or flushing of skin. Subject able draw creatures to it, whether be animal, child or otherrwise. Adults not much, but are drawn to serene nature. Most human hated creatures easily gentled by subject. Subject been trained for science field. Subject been deliberately made deaf. Tests show subject with fighting skills in upper range, been trained numerous ways kill. Subject not violent itself, more complying instructions given. Subject takes thing literally. Based on above information, subject been classified as extremely dangerous. Serene nature draws people to her. Extremely dangerous.

Contact Marine Aai