Captain Epic Terrakian

Commanding Officer

Name: Epic Terrakian

Race: Betazoid/ Terran

Age: 30

Date of Birth: November 7th, 2343


Height: 6'0"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue [yes, blue]
Complexion: Pale, but even
Physique: Well-proportioned and strong
Distinguishing Marks: Burn scars on his chest, an impression of two small hands.


Starfleet Career

2364-2368: Cadet; Starfleet Academy
2369-2370: En.; Tactical Officer; USS Dyre
2370-2372: En.; Tactical Officer; USS Gettysburgh
2372-2373: Lt.(jg); Asst. Chief Tactical Officer; USS Nova
2373-2373: Lt.; Chief Security Officer; USS Nova
2373-Present: Commander; USS Grail




Epic Terrakian was born to Helena and Aristotle Terrakian in 2343. Because of his uncommon blue eyes, Epics patrimony had always been in question. The Terrakians were the proprietors of a universal circus, specializing in exotic and bizarre acts. They were also a very musical family. The `family' included almost 100 members. Some of the `family' were only loosely associated, at best.

At the age of 7, Epic lost his younger sister, Magda, in a violent electrical storm on Indiri Prime. She died in his arms, the scars of her blazing touch still visible. Epic was also a victim of the electrical discharge. The accident altered his neurochemistry in such a way as to enhance his empathic abilities to the point that he could not only perceive his `subjects' emotions, but absorb them, as well. And because of this, his sisters dying essence was absorbed into Epics psyche, essentially displacing his own. During a lifelong struggle to quell his sisters hungry impulses, Epic has forced her psyche into a pseudo submission. Unfortunately, leaving him emotionally void. However, when the need for humane emotions becomes too great to bear, Epic seeks out, and provokes, the emotional responses of others. This has earned him the reputation of being an emotional vampire. The name `Dracula' has followed him for most of his life.

At the age of 21, Epic left the family `business' that was to be his life, to enter Starfleet Academy.

His career to date has been less than spectacular, but Epic has served every assignment with diligent, if uninspired, perfection. Every promotion, and every reassignment, has always been given with strong recommendations.

However, every Counselor under whom his office served argued against his promotions because of `megalomaniac and aggressively malicious tendencies'. However, Epic had managed to persevere and win over every Board of Inquiry by always knowing the `right thing to say'.

Because, being a powerful empath, he always knew what his `subject' wanted to hear.

His assignment to the Grail has been his most `fortunate' promotion assignment. Some would say undeserved. It had only recently come to Epics attention that his biological father is the Terrain Captain Zebediah Cochran.

Cochran had been diagnosed with an incurable and fatal affliction. It was Cochran's intent to leave the assignment of the Grail to his son, upon the event of his death.

Personality Profile

Epic is indeed an emotional vampire. His own true emotional responses are so deep rooted, he doesn't even recognize his own genuine feelings. He relies on the emotions of others to feel anything at all. He often provokes the emotions he wants to feel from others. But, when his `subjects' feelings fade, he returns to a placid and emotionally quiescent state.

Epic has been described, by his Counselors as `the scariest man I have ever liked'.