Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'DeMontigny vs. Brinn, round 2'

<<Stardate: 47307.29- 23:35>>

<<Main Bridge>>

Athalya Anne had just barely begun fuming. *What the bloody hell?*

She wondered. First the captain told her to take care of the frigging

situation, and then he comes rushing on to the bridge to 'fix' things.

In addition to displaying a lack of trust in her capabilities, he

undermines her in front of her duty officers. *Gee. This should be

fun!* She thought. *Just when the debate between giving Epic what he

needs and what he wants is temporarily resolved, he goes and tempts me

into fucking giving him what he needs, again.* Asshole.

François couldn't contain himself anymore. This is definitely not

how he would of handled it. He turned to face Brinn.

"Major, if I may, I suggest we ascertain the potential threat the

Shuttle possesses to us before powering phasers and locking the tractor

beam. I don't want to undermine 'dear' Kypper's suggestions, but for

some strange reason I cannot fathom, our alien friend has evidently

taken those actions as being hostile."

Athalya Anne thought about what he had said. The anger that was

stewing just beneath the surface ignited. *Oh, no. He did NOT! If

that fucking asshole wants to fucking make a fool of me.*

"Tactical, you have the bridge." A very angry Athalya Anne was up

and striding towards DeMontigny, "Mr. DeMontigny," Athalya Anne grabbed

him by the ear and literally pulled him to the captain's ready room,

"You're with me.

Bodily throwing François into the ready room, Athalya Anne waited

until the door shut behind them. "Lieutenant, just what the bloody hell

do you think you were doing out there? Are you trying to undermine my

command capabilities? Just who the bloody hell do you think you are,

~Lieutenant~?" Athalya Anne tried, with minimal success to control the

fact that she was hyperventilating.

François stood up and faced the angry marine. 'OK, this is it,' he

thought, 'no more mister nice helmsman. The bitch asked for it'.

"I, apparently, am the only one that has the guts to stand up to you

and your two-bit we-kill-everybody-'cause-we're-marines attitude!

Command capabilities? What command capabilities? I don't care what the

Captain says, your actions could well have turned an entire Empire

against us! That was reckless, careless and downright stupid!" He was

also breathing heavily now.

"Oh, really?" Athalya Anne could hardly see. Anger was literally

blinding her. "How the fucking HELL do you know that that's not just a

ruse? How the HELL do you know that he's not a fucking terrorist or

some other crazy ass?" She paused, merely to catch her breath. "You

don't. We're fucking out here fucking ALONE, boy! How the hell do you

know that he's not trying to get our defenses down? Do you fucking want

to get the fuck back or do you want to die?" another thought struck

her. "And who the bloody hell ARE you, Lieutenant? What the fucking

hell gives you the right to question my judgement in front of the entire

bridge crew?"

"Lady, you're lucky you're my superior officer, because if you

weren't, I'd..." François paused, despite his anger, unsure if he wanted

to finish his sentence.

Athalya Anne took a step forward, her face now inches from his.

"You'd what?" she dared him.

François' suddenly bent forward and planted his lips on Brinn's in

a passionate kiss.

If being a ninety year old trapped in the body of a seventeen year

old had any advantages, the ability to be quickly distracted from anger

to passion was one of them. Athalya Anne returned his kiss with equal

passion. They exchanged another firerey kiss as François wrapped his

hands around her waist and slowly moved them downward, while pressing

her closer to him. Athalya Anne kissed him again, first on the lips and

then on the chin, his jaw line and down his neck. Almost in perfect

synchronization, they moved to the couch and began undressing each


Several articles of clothing later, the door chime sounded. Athalya

Anne drew away first. "Aw, shit." she swore under her breath. "One

moment." Athalya Anne began indiscriminately grabbing articles of

clothing, as did DeMontigny. Fortunately, they got the right

undershirts, but her gray jacket felt a little large. *Oops.*

Surveying DeMontigny, Athalya Anne finally issued the order, "Come."

Joint post by

Lt.(jg) François DeMontigny

Lt. Maj. Athalya Anne Brinn