Subject: Grail - Great Brightness - "Contact"

<<Holodeck 2>>

Kyp sat alone on his favorite hill on the enitre planet of Gamma

Alteries. He sat listening to the chirps of the birds and watched as first

dusk fall came. First dusk was the time between the sunsets of Gamma Prime

and Alterese respectivally. It was what he loved to do most often at home.

He just loved watching the stars coming out at second dusk and dreaming of

someday soaring to them.

These past few weeks had given him his dream, but at what cost. The

loss of his homeworld and most of his people. Kyp was tempted for a time to

open his mind up to listen for other Alterians, but he feared that he would

only hear the Borg and just snap as he did before.

Kyp leaned back against a nearby panopa tree as second dusk was

setting in. He watched Alterese fall behind the Mount Hyrule, and then the

stars came out. Kyp just sat back and let his mind drift.

He thought of all the things he missed most about home. His family,

the beautiful planet, the non-poluting industries. While his mind drifted

further he inadvertantly opened his mind to the void of space. He could

others speaking. They weren't Borg. He could here the expedition team that

was sent to the Gamma Quadrant several years ago. They were trying to

contact home. He spoke to them.

*Dear friends, this is Kyp Firespray, son of the Prime Minister.

Our world was over taken by the Borg. I'm not sure how many of us are left.

You are the first Alterians I've spoken to since the invasion.*

*Your Lordship, as in the order of our way, you were heir to the

throne. You are our new leader. We are setting course for home,

immedately. With our experimental Transwarp drive, it should only take us a

few days at maximum to reach you. We will take you with us to find the others.*

*No, that would be inadvisable. I've fallen on good terms with a

ship heading back into the Delta Quadrant. One of our Goddesses saved me,

and asked me to help these people find their lost ship. I cannot go back

against her. We are heading for Kerestia now and are at the Great

Brightness. I want you to search around the quadrant for others. We were

suppose to be sent to Talaxia, but I'm not sure how many made it. Find

other ships, try and build up our strength. We will conquor our world again

and reclaim it from the Borg.*

*Yes, sir, but we insist that once we find one of our battleships we

pick you up, or at least escort this vessel.*

*Yes, that sounds good. Also, one more thing. If you see a vessel

named Voyager in your travels, contact me immediately. That is the ship

that we are looking for. I will keep my mind open so you can contact me,

but beware the Borg they can be intrusive.*

*Yes sir, hope to see you real soon!*

*Thank you, and may the Q's help you in your quest.*

Kyp opened his eyes and ended the simulation. He walked out of the

Holodeck with a bit more confidence than before. He was quite certain that

his people would rule again.