Subject: Grail - Great Brightness - "Night On the Town 'partII'"
"Well it was what my father specialised in." "Someday you'll
have to eat at his restaurant." As all the things that have gone wrong
in her life lately seem to dissapear at least for now.
Fionn leaned closer to her, he could smell the mild perfume she
wore, it was very intoxicating. Looking into her eyes, a beauty
sparked from within them, one which Fionn found interesting. The
stillness of the night around them and the breeze from the ocean as
well as the waves coming up and
down upon the white sandy shore. Slowly he leaned forward, kissing
her lightly upon her pink luscious lips, a slow and deep kiss as he
caressed her face lightly with his hand.
"I really wanted to do this since the first time we met
Alison." Fionn whispered to her.
Alisons skin tingled as Fionns hand caressed her face. Looking into
his eyes she could tell he meant every word he was saying.
The moonlight highlighted Fionns hair as Alison smiled at him. "Are
you dissapointed?" Alison mused.
Tangleing her finger in Fionns hair Alison returns the kiss almost
unaware of the fact that Fionn hands were on her waist drawing her
closer to him.
"No, not in the slightest." He replied as he smiled at her kissing her
deeper than before. Pulling away he looked at her once more. "Its
been a long time since Ive felt this away towards a woman since my
last love." He replied as he seem to drift off, but come back to Ali's
gaze, "But now that I have you here onboard, my stay here doesn't seem
that lonely."
It hasn't been that long for Alison, but for the first time in a
while her heart doesn't ache for Loren who chose his career over her.
"I.. I'm not sure what to say." Alison fumbles over her words a bit,
caught off gaurd by the word that Fionn just spoke. "I think my
outlook on being asigned to this ship may be changing."
Looking into Fionns glowing green eyes, Alison can tell she's
starting to fall. She can only hope it won't end as abruptly as her
last venture into love did. "I believe the feeling is mutual
Fionn smiled slightly as he whispered into her ear. "This is a perfect
evening my love, this is indeed a beautiful place." He replied taking
her into his arms and kissing her with all the wild passions which
burned inside him. His hands caressing her back and long raven hair,
perhaps she was the one indeed, but strangely enough, he felt himself
calm as an aura of peace filled his Koheen sight upon Ali's features.
She was truely beautiful, both in the Mundane and Mundis worlds,
perhaps he would take her there someday.
Alison rested her head on Fionns shoulder nuzling her forehead
against his neck and her hands to slide up and down his muscular back.
"Yes it is." Alison whispers. *Maybe this time I won't screw things
up and ruin the relationship.* "This just might be heaven." she says
as the two hold on to their embrace.
Fionn smiled at her as he lifted her chin looking down at her. "So
Ali, what do you wish to do now, this is after all your evening, I was
only invited upon it." His firm hands still held her close to him, he
could feel his wild passion burning inside him, but strangely enough
he held back, control was a key he never truely mastered until now.
Alison rests her head back against Fionns shoulder. "We're already
doing it."
Lt. Fionn
Lt.Alison Donucci