Subject: Grail: "Great Brightness" - 'Detective Charr'

<<Stardate 47307.30 - 18:30>>

<<Tifa Charr's quarters>>

Although it had been a long and ardous day, the first thing Tifa did

as she entered her quarters was to make sure no one had 'violated' her

territory while she was gone. She made sure nothing was out of place and

sniffed around. Satisfied, she took off her uniform and laid down on her

couch. 'It feels so good to be out of those boots!' she thought.

Although she didn't like wearing clothes, she despised footwear most of

all, mostly because her walk was a lot more noisy with them.

Then Tifa's thoughts went back to her day. After her meeting with

Logan, she had spent all off red shift escorting the Torillion

Ambassador and wondering if he was reading her thoughts or not. She was

convinced he had. When the shift finished, she talked with ensign Garek

about mental defenses. He had told her that non-telepaths could defend

themselves to a point and that training the security personnel was a

good idea. Tifa convinced him to do it.

'Now it's time for Janice Hargen,' she thought as she got up. She

walked over to her computer terminal and sat before. First, she brought

up the Chief engineer's personnel file. Nothing seemed out of the

ordinary. Janice Theroa Hargen was born in 2350, in Alaska on Earth and

lived there until she left for Starfleet Academy. However, a note struck

Tifa as being strange. Her school records, and all records of her youth,

were destroyed in a mysterious fire, the cause of which was never known.

Having no 'official' youth, Janice was an ideal candidate to be replaced

by an Android, Tifa thought. She continued her investigation.

Hours later, Tifa had reviewed Janice Hargen's Academy, medical,

duty and even transporter records. At first, she the thought the records

confirmed that Janice Hargen was indeed human when she came onboard the

Grail, as the medical records showed. However, as she dugged deeper, she

realized that her medical records were a little too perfect. In fact,

she had never been sick, nor had she ever been injured. No colds, no

coughs, no diarrhea, no broken arms, no twisted ankles, no broken

fingers, no concussions, nothing. Her medical record showed she was in

perfect health during every exam. Over and over again. In Tifa's mind,

this could mean one of two things: either she has always been an Android

that appeared when the school records were burned and had found a way to

fool sensors, or by an incredible stroke of luck (or misfortune) she was

the ideal candidate to be replaced by an Android. For now, Tifa leaned

toward the second explanation, she couldn't believe that an Android

would have been able to fool the system for that long.

Tifa yawned and stretched. She was exhausted. 'That's enough for

today,' she thought, 'I'll continue in the morning.' Getting up, she

made her way into the washroom and activated the shower.

Stepping in, she purred as the hot water washed over her fur. It

felt so good, so relaxing. Slowly, her mind began to wander from her

investigation to the events of the last few days. She remembered her

battle with Castle in the holodeck. Her hands began to move over the

curves of her body as she remembered the thrill of the hunt and how she

had openly flirted with him afterward. She was beginning to breathe

heavily as the memory of T'Arna's attack entered her mind, her anger

only adding to her mounting lust. Then the images of the Hunter flooded

her mind as one of her hands headed downward. Being so wild, so

unleashed had been an incredible high. She relived the ensuing battle

with T'Arna and Eve Mallory in all it's intensity and as she remembered

Castle entering and putting an end to it, with all the power and

authotiry he had, bliss made her legs give way and she fell to her

shower floor, her hand buried between her legs and purring loudly.

Ensign Tifa Charr

Security officer, USS Grail