Subject: Grail: "Great Brightness" - 'The Driver's Seat'

<<Stardate: 47307.30- 19:45>>


François stared at the probe's information on Science Station 2

and smiled. He liked what he saw. According to the data, the course he

had plotted with the help of Hillary and Kypper would work. The exit

would be a little rough, but it wasn't anything François couldn't

handle. For ten days, he had pulled double shifts, trying to find a

way through the Great Brightness. The sheer magnitude of it made it one of


greatest navigational challlenges of the galaxy and he was determined

to overcome it. He couldn't wait. But as his eyes continued to roam over the

console, he froze.

He had just stumbled across the captain's orders. They would enter

the Great Brightness at 9:00 the next morning. On Lt. Desirable's shift.

Despite the fact that she had hardly done anything to get them through

compared to François, Donucci would get to fly them

through.Unacceptable! François continued reading the orders. Epic

wanted him to be there too. 'Why?' François asked himself, 'Do they

need someone to activate the flashers?' No, this was indeed


"Computer, locate Lt. Donucci." he said.

=^= Lt. Donucci is in her quarters. =^= responded the feminine

voice. François was off in an instant.


<<Stardate: 47307.30- 19:57>>

<<Donucci's quarters>>

François took a deep breath. He had to lighten up some, or else he

would have the counselor on his back. His mood worsened. Sighing

again, he pressed the doorchime.

François could hear a Alisons voice calling him to enter. Once

inside he sees Alison sitting at her desk looking over the most

resent information sent back by the probe. Looking up from her work

she asks. "What can I do for you lieutenant?"

François stared at her for a moment. He didn't know exactly how to

bring it up. Inside, he was boiling. Outside, however, he was calm as

always. He decided to be diplomatic about the situation.

"Lieutenant," he started officially, "I request permission to man

the helm through the Great Brightness." It was simple and to the

point, but lacked his usual style. However, style just didn't have

it's place right now.

Giving François a cold stare Alison could hardly believe her ears.

Heres the man who made a mockery of her authority asking for a special

favor. "What is the reason for your request lieutenant?" Asked Alison

in a very bussinness like tone.

François sighed. It wasn't enough that he had to be nice to her, she

had to play with him. He stayed calm and decided to continue with the

diplomatic approach.

"As you know, I have been pulling double shifts for the last ten

days, studying and working on finding a way through the GB. I think we

can safely say that, along with Hillary Singh and Kyp Firespray, I am

one of the highest authorities on the star cluster aboard this ship.

In fact, you could say that getting across those incredible

gravitational forces of nature has become some kind of a personal

challenge for me." François took a breath, he hated this protocol

shit, "For all these reasons, I think I am the most qualified helmsman

to get us through." A hint of arrogance slipped into his voice without

his noticing as he said the last words.

No longer looking at François, but stait ahead as she taps a PADD

on her desk unable to believe the ego of her subordinate. It was like

it's out of control, sort of like when her temper gets Alison into

trouble. *Maybe it's time one of us grew up before the captain decides

that he needs new flight control officers all together.* *I can't alow

myself to slide down to DeMontignys level.*

"Lieutenant isn't it a little selfserving to assume that you where

the only one working on the flight-path for the Grail, and as far as

working doubleshifts." Looking François in the eyes. "That's your job,

you're a Starfleet officer."

"If I had my way, you would never set foot on the bridge during my

watch unltil you've learned to control your ego, but the captain seems

to think you have something to offer." "Though I fully dissagree with

him, I'll respect his wishes."

Looking back at what she was doing. "Mr DeMontigny, Ensign Winshikar

will take your shift and you will report to the bridge at 0900 hours

to take over the helm." "I will be your adviser guiding you through

any unforseen situations."

Standing up to say what she's going to next so François would get the

full weight of what she is about to say. "I will notify security and

if I even see a glimmer in your eyes that you are about to do anything

that would endanger the safety of this ship I will have you removed

from the bridge in a instant."

"One last thing, I've been looking over your shooting the curl idea,

and to break the gravitational pull of the Great Brightness you have

to tighten your swing around the last star." "So recalibrate your

figures and present it to me before tomorrow morning." "That is an


Sitting back down at her desk Alison sets about her work. "You're

dismissed lieutenant."

François just smiled smugly as he turned around and walked out. He had

gotten what he wanted. The Great Brightness was his. Lt. Desirable could

work herself into a fit, but as long as he had the GB, François didn't

really care. 'This calls for a celebration,' he thought as he headed toward

Ten Forward.


Joint post by Alison Donucci and François DeMontigny