Subject: Grail - The Great Brightness' - `Prelude to First Contact'

<<Stardate: 47307.29- 22:40>>

<<Deck 13>>

Epic almost stopped the turbolift when he saw the rage in Athalya

Anne Brinn's eyes as the doors closed. What the Hades was she mad about

NOW? Was supporting her once again treating her like a weakling? She was

worse than a Klingon. And he knew whereof he spoke.

=^=Firespray to the Captain.=^= Damn! Couldn't he at least get the

few seconds it took to get to the Shuttle Bay unmolested? If it wasn't

one pain in the ass, it was another. He was peripherally aware that his

was the burden that all Captains must bear. But most Captains had a crew

who at least tried to cooperate. Not him, though. No. `Daddy' left him a

nice basket of cobras to play with.

`Thanks you rotten son of a bitch.', he hissed to his fathers

spirit. `Burn in Hades.'

=^=Sir, I'm enroute to Shuttle Bay 2. I can help. The Torrilion

Empire are friendly to Alterians.=^

Epic nodded in weariness. He really needed at least one good nights

sleep. "Thank you, Ambassador. I will await you on Deck 13. Terrakian


Maybe after the Counselor was done with this Torrilion, she could

spare him a little time. The weight on Epics chest these days was

becoming unbearable. If he didn't throw some of it off soon, he would



Or explode.