Subject: Grail: "Great Brightness"; "On A Roll!"
"On A Roll!"
A Joint Post by:
Specialist Jhenn
Lt. Brennan
--<OOC: I think I've overdone this "joint" post thing! hehe>--
The shimmering blue lights cleared up to reveal Kaitlyn Brennan to
Specialist Jhenn. There was nothing in Jhenn's stance to suggest that she
wasn't willing to help, but somehow Brennan could already guess that the
Bajoran was a firecracker, ready to go off at the slightest provocation.
It was a bit sobering to have to walk on tiptoe, especially since Jhenn was
the only "living" one in Sickbay who would treat Lt. Brennan. Dr. Ramius
was hunched over a console, absolutely enthralled by whatever it was
displaying to him.
"So, what is the problem?" Jhenn asked.
She might as well have asked, 'what the hell is wrong with you?' for all
the compassion that she conveyed in her voice. Or maybe Brennan was
imagining things because she was used to being on the offensive today.
"I need you to do a check-up on me," Kaitlyn said passively.
Jhenn rolled her eyes as if that making such a request was a waste of time
and energy. "Sit down over there," she directed.
Lt. Brennan would rather not have to reveal her previous misdeed, and
decided to pretend that she had just noticed the symptoms of the virus.
Jhenn ran the all-familiar tricorder over her, and then with little
perceptible amazement at what the readings showed, she picked up a
hypospray. Brennan looked up at her questionly, but as Jhenn placed the
hypospray up to her skin, she quickly felt unnaturally fatigued. Brennan
had very little time to feel wronged for not being informed of the
specialist's intentions, before she fell into unconsciousness.
After waking up, Kaitlyn Brennan looked around Sickbay, only to find that
no one was there, not Specialist Jhenn nor Dr. Ramius. It gave the feeling
that many hours had passed while she was unconsciousness.
Kaitlyn woke up again, to find Jhenn still standing nearby. When Jhenn
noticed Kait sitting up, the specialist looked disconcerted. Jhenn glanced
at the hypospray in her hand as if it were a useless ornament.
"I just gave you that sedative, but it doesn't seem to be working," Jhenn
"Could it be because I'm not human?"
"Of course you're not, but--," Jhenn began to reply as if she already knew
everything. Then she asked, less sure, "What race _are_ you?"
"I'm Half-Betazoid," Kait stated almost proudly.
Having green eyes did not give people the slightest clue that you were
Betazoid, Kaitlyn figured.
"But aren't you closely related to Lt. Prynne?" Jhenn asked.
"Yes, she is half-betazoid as well," Kaitlyn asserted, half-interested.
"The sedative seemed to work on her, so it should work on you," Jhenn
"My physiological make-up does differ from hers. I take after my father's
Betazoid make-up, while Miss Prynne, over there, is registered as human,
apparently, because her make-up is more human," Kaitlyn explained. "Don't
you ever scan people before injecting them with drugs?" Kaitlyn asked
Now, Kaitlyn had proof of that firecracker notion, as Jhenn's eyes seemed
to flare up contemptuously. Then, like that, the fire was extinguished.
It was good for Kaitlyn, because she began to regret insulting somebody who
had almost any drug at their disposal. If Jhenn got angry enough, she
could inject Kait with God only knows what.
Instead, Jhenn rummaged around for a sedative that would inhibit the
psyche, too. Otherwise, Kait's psyche would remain so active that visions
and waves of empathic input would keep her mind so awake, that sleep would
be well-nigh impossible. Then, Brennan only hoped that Prynne really
hadn't inherited those Betazoid genes; it could be such a pain in the arse
at times!
Jhenn was preparing to inject Brennan with the new sedative, when Kait
backed away and held her hand up in protest. "No!" she emphasized in order
to get Jhenn's attention.
"Don't argue with me," Jhenn ordered.
Kaitlyn knocked the hypospray out of the specialist's hand, and said,
"There is no medical reason to put me to sleep. And as a Starfleet
officer, I should be able to make that type of decision."
"Hey, I'm calling the shots here! Now, either you cooperate, or I'll have
to get security down here," Jhenn warned sternly.
Yet, Kait was not willing to give in, and be sedated. As Jhenn made
another attempt, Kaitlyn rounded behind a biobed, poised defensively.
"Fine," Jhenn said. She tapped her comm badge and said, "Specialist Jhenn
to Security. Please report to Sickbay."
Then, Jhenn looked at Kait and said, "We'll have it _your_ way."
Just then, Dr. Ramius looked up, wondering what all the commotion was about.
<OOC: Hey, c'mon, I'm looking for some action!>