Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - `Reponding to the Ambassador'
<<Stardate: 47307.31 - 01:30>>
Epic entered his quarters. The night had turned out better than he
thought. Despite his anxieties and despite his desire to hurt himself,
he felt... purged. Before stripping off his filthy and sweat dampened
uniform, he decided to check his messages.
There was one. From Ambassador T'Nek Destazio. He called it up. He
read it. Then read it again.
=^=Captain! Throw away your sorrow. I must meet with you as soon as
Epics anxieties returned in a rush. So much for the therapy of
exertion and music. Without even clearing the screen, he left his
Any who saw him stalking the late night corridors gave him a crisp
acknowledgement, but did not engage him. His eyes were cold and intense.
<<Ambassador T'Neks Accomodations>>
"Who is it?", came the sleep muffled reply.
"Terrakian.", was Epics bitten reply. The door opened.
The Torillion saw his anger, but showed no reaction that Epic could
discern. "Never...", Epic started and emphasized. "Never... tempt my
anger again."
The Torillions expression remained passive. "Now. What is it you
need? And before you answer, after consulting with my Medical Staff,
this K'Pla plague you speak of has neither been isolated nor identified.
Doctors Ramius and Ramin are confident that the malady my crew suffers
can be counteracted by the immunities taken from the Kerestians, who are
naturally immune. Are you going to offer us something more physical
about this plague, or are we just supposed to take your word that we are
all dying from a plague that only you can sense? And only you can cure.
I hope you can appreciate my concerns, Ambassador. You are an unknown
quantity. I have to be cautious. I cannot allow you to simply `treat' my
crew for a disease that we cannot even detect.
"So, what is it you needed to say that you felt you needed to
insult me to say it?"