Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'The GB part I'
OOC: We decided to make this a two-parter to give everyone the chance to
post while we're in the GB. And since the bridge crew is a team, we had to
make some of the other characters act. Hope you don't mind. Enjoy!
'The GB, part I'
by Alison Donucci and
François DeMontigny
<<Stardate 47307.31 - 8:50>>
Making one last check of the ships propulsion systems to make sure
everything was in perfect working order, Alison then goes over the
flight-plan one last time. Checking the time Alison is expecting
Lt.jg François DeMontigny to report to the bridge as odered to free
her up to interpet the continuous influx of data from the ships
sensors and make the apropriate adjustments to the ships flight-path.
François wasted little time when making his entrance onto the
bridge walking strait to conn. "Lieutenant DeMontigny reporting as
Looking up at François then rising to her feet. "Very well lieutenant
you have the helm." Alison then steps aside and allows François to sit.
He had always thought the Conn was the best seat in the house. The
reclined chair was very comfortable and gave him an excellent view of
the main viewscreen. He then looked down at the console and sighed.
'No wonder she once ran into a space station,' he thought as he
adjusted the console
to his settings, 'her console is as organized as Janopian finances.'
With a couple minutes to wait before the ships starts through the
great brightness Alison walks over to the tactical station to get the
latest readings from the sensors and to get away from François' cheap
smelling cologne. Giving Fionn a smile he allows her to have access to
his console.
Once his console was set and he was satisfied with the latest data
on the GB, François turned to the Captain.
"Capitaine, we are ready to enter the Great Brightness on your
order." he said, his voice slightly trembling with anticipation. The
battle against the gravitational forces of the Great Brightness was
about to begin.
Epic took his time, his gaze falling on each station, making sure
his crew was ready. If this was going to work, everyone was going to
have to work their best. Finally, his eyes fell on DeMontigny. He
"Warp factor 2, Lt." Terrakian ordered, "Execute."
"Here we go!" François added as he sent the ship on it's way.
On the main viewer, the star cluster began to approach quickly.
If not for the automatic shading, they all would of been blinded by
it's brightness. It was still quite breathtaking. François instructed
the ship toward the entry point.
"The pull from the Great Brightness is adding to our speed, sir.
We are now at warp 2.5... 2.7... warp 3..." François informed the
bridge, even though the acceleration had been taken into account
beforehand. "Entering the Great Brightness... now!"
As they passed between the two entry stars, the ship shook
lightly, but the stabilizers quickly compensated. François kept them
on course, following the gravitational borders. His excitement was growing
by the second.
"Radiation levels are increasing, but the shields are holding,
sir." reported Lt. Fionn..
Surveying the situation from tactical, Alison notices that François'
actions show that he is on top of the situation and not allowing any
animosity between him and herself hinder his job performance in any
A closer look at the sensor readings and Lt. Fionn notices something
omnious developing on one of the stars. A gigantic solarflare had erupted
with all the gravitational pull, it's intensity and size had the
planned route of the ship blocked.
Moving back over to conn Alison points out the impending obstacle.
"Mr DeMontigny, we'll have to get the ship around that flare, it's
intensity could overwhelm the shields."
"Yes ma-am." replied François, a grin forming on his face.
The solar flares size was enormous, but Alison noticed a gap in the
flare that the ship might be able to pass through.
Looking at François. "Do you see what I see?" asks Alison.
"I'm on it chief." he answered.
François takes manual control of the ship from the computer
then pitches the ship to its port side and accellerates figuring the
less time spent near the flare the better.
As they passed through the opening, the entire ship shook again, this
time triggering the automatic red alert. The solar flare's radiation was
"Shields down to 92%, but holding." reported Fionn as he recalibrated
François did an impressive job of getting the Grail past the
solarflare, but now the ship was terribly off course. Alison
scrambles to to figure out a way to get the ship back to the original
flightpath. "Mr. DeMontigny set a course to bearing 037 mark 30, that
will put us back on course."
"Oui chef." François replied enthusiastically as he adjusted the ship's
bearing. The solar activity was even more intense than the probe had
reported. It was as if the Great Brightness didn't want them to get
"The star's gravity is holding us back." François reported, as he tried
to compensate.
"Shields down to 79%." Cut in Fionn. "If we don't get back on course,
the radiation will overwhelm us."
"Mr. DeMontigny," it was the captain's turn to cut in, "Increase
"Increasing to warp 5." confirmed the helmsman as the ship got back on
course. For the next hour, it was pretty smooth. François concentrated on
keeping to the flight plan while the rest of the bridge crew monitered the
Great Brightness and the ship itself.
As they approach the next star, however, new solar flares began cutting
through their flightpath, licking at the Grail's shields. The ship rocked
with each new flare and François had to use all of his skill to dodge the
blunt of the hits. Although he was having the time of his life, things were
getting a little too dangerous. "Chef," he called out to Donucci, "How
about some info here?"
From tactical, Alison had been busy trying to find a way around all of
the sudden flares. There was no pattern, but she thought she found a way.
Tapping on the console she answered DeMontigny: "Try the course I sent
"Shield at 56%, sir, and going down fast. The flares are too strong."
the Koheen tactical chief reported.
"Increasing speed to warp 7." DeMontigny said as he entered Donucci's
course with lightning speed.
In his center seat, Epic Terrakian turned to Janice Hargen at the
engineering station. "Reroute the power of all non-essential ship functions
to the shields." he ordered, but the chief engineer was already on it,
doing everything she could to keep the ship together.
A half hour and many flares later, the ship cleared the second star and
Fionn reported the shields stable at 47% while the ship had reached warp 8.
"We won't be passing too close to any other stars before the last one,
Captain." informed Alison from behind the tactical station, "However, we'll
be passing very close to that one. It'll be rough. We have about two hours
before we get there. We should use it to strengthen our defences."
"Agreed Lt," answered Terrakian. "study that last star to make our
passage as smooth as possible. Commander Hargen, Lt. Fionn, work with
Commander Hunt to get more power to shields. Also Fionn, stand down to
yellow alert."
<To be continued and concluded>