Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Counselor's duty'
<<Stardate 42307.31 08:30>>
<<Mirka Tzavras quarters>>
Mirka woke up from a very light and short sleep with a heardache.
*What a nice way to start the day* she told herself sarcastically while
refusing to get out of bed. She was very tempted to stay in her quarters
forever. Two sleepless nights were just the beginning of her hell,
those anxiety attacks should last for a while.
She sighed and got out of bed. She had dealt with what happened last
night like she dealt with everything else that concerned her too
intimately. She had pushed everything away in the deepest part of
herself and she was going to pretend the whole thing never happened.
She was going to take back control of her emotions. Besides, she refused
to be like 95% of the female gender and be attracted by a dark, handsome
and mysterious man. How common! How.... *You're thinking of him again*
an inner voice warned. She mentaly thanked her conscience and prepared
herself for the day.
She was getting out of the shower when the Yellow alert began. *Oh
great!... What is expected of me during the yellow alert?* She couldn't
remember where she was supposed to be or what she was supposed to do, if
anything. *Oh well, they'll call if they need me. It's not like I can
do anything on the bridge* She grimaced thinking of the bridge, she
felt so useless there. She understood that once in a while her presence
could be required, because it permitted her to see how members of the
crew worked together. But, Epic and Thalya were empath and telepath,
they could judge far better than her the emotional state of the bridge
This training thing wasn't going anywhere either. From what she
understood she was suppose to learn the basics of everything. Basic of
helm, ops, rules of away mission, how to work a tricorder... she sighed
again. She was in one of those mood where everything seemed like a
Getting dressed, she looked at the standard Starfleet uniform she
could wear. They had given her one even though she wasn't really
Starfleet yet. She didn't have to wear it all the time. She didn't
either, but today it felt like the right thing to put on.
She still thought it was pretty funny that she had suddenly become the
ship's counselor. She was actually working for Starfleet. Her!...
Mirka Tzavaras. Terrek would have a fit if he saw her. Even François
seemed pretty amazed when he realized she was the Grail's shrink. She
grimaced thinking of all that had to be done. She was going to this the
best way she could. But, she was going to do it her way. And if they
didn't like it, they could fire her. If they thought that she was going
to start fixing everyone up, they had another thing coming. Anyway, she
couldn't do that with the bunch of lunatics she had to work with. But,
If they thought that their little temper tantrums and their dark sides
were going to impress her, they were damn wrong. The Grail's crew was
going to have learn to live and work together and she was going to
succeed in making that happen. And Epic Terrakian could go to hell with
his "No hope to succeed" (she still couldn't believe he had said that to
his crew). Because they could make it. And they would. And his
attitude problem would have to go.
Getting out of her quarters and heading for her office, one
realisation came to her mind.
She was starting to like this pathetic bunch.
<<Counselor's office>>
Mirka was trying to file a report about her intervention with
Demontigny when the ship shook and the Red Alert began. Raising her
head from the report with suprise, she frowned. She knew what she was
expected to do during the Red Alert. She got up. She was suppose to
report to the bridge. Even though she didn't quite understand what she
could do there. It wasn't like she could actualy help.
She slumped back in her chair as the gravity of the situation hit
her. Her heart was beating faster, her temples were pounding and her
hands were moist. She knew they were going through the Great
Brightness, she knew it was very dangerous. Although she didn't
understand all the little details, she understood the basics. Were they
having more problems than anticipated on the bridge?
She got up again. That was it. She wasn't going to stay in her
office hiding like a child. Why try to figure out what was going on when
she could go to the bridge and have a first row seat to everything that
was happening? Heading for the bridge she still grimaced at the thought
of being there while everyone was so busy. She knew she couldn't do
anything constructif, but at least she would feel better knowing exactly
how things were going.
As the turbolift doors opened to her destination she took a deep
breath and hurried to her seat at the captain's side. She did it as
silently and as discretly as possible so no one would really take notice
of her.
Sitting in her chair with her hands on her thighs, she saw that
François was at the helm and he was working with Donnucci. Somehow that
suprising, but very needed teamwork and, she glanced at Epic, the
presence of the cool and controled Grail's captain at her side made her
feel more secure.
Her fingers nervously pinching her thighs, she opened her eyes and her
ears to everything that was happening. Barely breathing so she wouln'd
disturb anyone.
Mirka Tzavaras
Ship's counselor