Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Well then...'

(OOC: Ramin would never use the word "virus" for the infection agent. Please understand it as "bacterium")

<Stardate 47307.31 - 09:58 hrs>

Janice nearly stopped what she was doing. She replied slowly and carefully, but with all of the anger penetrating her voice. "And if you want to survive long enough to figure out that virus, you had better deal with this minor inconvenience for a moment. Because it's either that or not have enough power to make it through the Great Brightness at all." She paused for a moment. "Any other complaints?"

=/\= "Thanks for the gentle explanation, Lt. After the flowers, I guess I have to figure it out then. Ramin out"

Ramin gesticulated, estranged. "What the hell is that mood?" he thought. Then the ship shaked. The Sickbay personnel rushed up then to secure the patients. Then Dr. Ramius stood up from his desk and exited his private, starting immediately to give orders and prepare materials for any inconvenicence that might arise. Ramius looked at Oku and pointed him a medikit, and Oku replied by taking it.

Then a voice came from the speakers: "Sickbay, please, help! I'm in Deck 21, and fell. I think I got something stuck..."

Ramin slapped his comm badge.

=/\= "Activate the medical hologram. There's a rather tense situation here. Wait until we get there."

=/\= "I can't. Power is down here. Nothing works, and I'm trapped. Help!"

Ramin looked at Ramius. The senior doctor nodded.Then Ramin went through the door and made his way to the turbolift. As he reached it, he inspected the panel. It worked, so Ramin entered.

"Deck 21" he said.

The machine started to rush through the lift tube to deck 21. When it arrived, doors opened. Oku started to walk fast out of the lift.

"Computer, activate Emergency medical hologram"

"Unable to comply. Secondary subsystems are currently off-line"

Ramin got angry. One thing is that he couldn't read specs on the computer, which could wait. But no EMH? What was that?

Then Ramin activated his tricorder and scanned the corridor for the wounded. He found a signal ten meters away from him, to the front. When he arrived, he found a closed door. He looked at the panel, which was off-line. Then he searched for the manual lever, which he pulled. The doors opened, revealing a mess inside.

The room, seemingly somebody's quarters, was dark, except for a fire at the replicator. There was a man, lying unconscious on the floor, and a little child, a small girl beside the man, crying "Daddy, daddy"

Ramin rushed toward the man and as he got there he loked the guy's pulse. Nothing. Oku then took out a small lantern and reflected the guy's eyes. No pupillary contraction. The guy was bleeding through his mouth. Oku checked the whole body, finding a piece of glass cutting the very guts of the man. The girl said "he called sickbay, where are they?"

Oku looked at her. She was still crying. Oku said "Ramin to any transporter, emergency transport, three to SickBay"

"Sorry sir" a voice came from the speaker in the badge "but the last damned movement left transporter power out. Remain contacted, and I'll get you as soon as this mess's cleared up, sir"

Oku then hit the floor with his fist in anger. But he remembered he had in his medikit a hypospray full of anesthetic. Then he took it.

"Say, girl, this is not gonna hurt" he said to the child and preseed the device in her shoulder. A samall dose, he would be sleeping for an hour or so. The fire at the replicator was coming down by itself. Oku scanned the room with his sight and found that the centre table was cut in pieces, and one of them was the one that got the man.

Then Oku took out a laser scalp and cut the guy's tummy, revealing a lake of blood. Oku took his magnetic retriever and found the aorta almost cut in two, transversally. Like by reflex, Oku got his tissue regenerator and set it to max. Then he pointed the beam to the cut vessel. The vessel, slowly, started to close. But it wasn't enough. Oku used a piece of moldable organic compound and shaped a tube to close the cut. The minitransporter applied to the beam helped put the blood back in the big artery. Then, all of a sudden, a voice came from the speaker:

"I got power, sir. Hold still..."

And the three vanished with blue lights and whirls.

The people at Sickbay surprised finding Dr. Ramin bathed in blood, the man with the tummy open and the sleeping girl. Ramius gazed at Oku, amazed.

"She's been pu to sleep, sir. And the man, well, we need stabilization ASAP"

Then three nurses got the guy up to a bed. Ramin looked at Ramius.


Alfonso aka Oku Ramin