Subject: Grail: The Great Brightness - "Last Will and Testament"

<<Stardate 47307.31 - 07:58>>

<<Kitchen Staff lounge>>

Rogers watched Frobo approach the front counter for just a moment, then

returned to his work. He had a big day ahead of him, and to get the ball

rolling he had to finish up everything before the 9:00 deadline, in which

the ship would be going through the Great Brightness. From past engineer

experience, he knew they would probably cut off energy to this area, and

everything had to be in place by then.

Vincent tapped out the last of the commands for the replicator on the

PADD, then fed the information into the replicator and let off a sigh.

This was going to give him one hell of a pounding if he couldn't handle

it just right. Even then, he expected to come out with a few bruises.

Looking up, Vincent thought to himself that if he didn't survive the

incident, it would be at least a week before anyone would crack this bug

in the replicator system. All he needed to do was to keep from laughing

when he would see the look on Cmdr. Brinn's face.

Finishing that off, he walked over to the messaging screen. Openning it

up, he wrote out a short message to the Captain, taking care that he

receives it after they pass through this Great Brightness everyone had

been talking about.


Dear Captain,

In order to speed up the lunch line, I've been working on an idea for

a quick and easy system to facilitate orders. Using a retinal scanner

and voice request system, they could easily order their food to their

specifications and dietary needs. The retinal scanner would be used

to identify the person, while the voice request system would be there

for the person to state their request for food. The cooking staff would

of course be there to hand over the food and to assist with any problems

in the system.

Please tell me what you think, as well as whether you give me permission

to continue with this endeavor. I know that the device would be heavily

questioned if I were to make it myself, due to my "unique" security

clearance. I would not mind someone else working on this.

Vincent Rogers

Chief Mess Hall Cook


Finishing the message, Vincent turned off the messaging screen and

looked around the room. It was breakfast time for most people, and

he should probably get to work. Walking out the door into the mess

hall, Vincent began to think about whether he should have gone ahead

and written out his Last Will and Testament.

<<ooc: I hope this gets to everybody. Also, I hope this new mailing

list thingy works. Crossing our fingers, our toes, and our t's on

this one.>>


Yeoman Vincent Rogers

Mess Hall Cook

U.S.S. Grail


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