Subject: Grail: "Great Brightness" - 'Report'
<<Stardate 47307.31 - 09:43>>
<<Deck 38>>
Tifa stepped out of the TL as the ship was once again rocked. Red
lights flashed everywhere and the sirens were a torture to her sensitive
Caitan ears. Her tricorder still in her hand and the box she found in
Hargen's quarters tucked under her arm, she approached Castle's office.
But as she got there, the doors opened and the man in question walked
out. He seemed surprised to see her.
"Tifa? What are you...?" he started, but stopped as he noticed her
bare feet, "Why aren't you wearing boots? And where is your commbadge?
Is something wrong?"
Tifa nodded her head.
"I think so, sirrr. We may have a spy onboarrrd." Urged on by
Castle's surprised look, Tifa continued, "I believe Janice Harrrgen, our
chief engineerrr, has been kidnapped and rrreplaced by an andrrroid."
Castles eyes widened in surprise at Tifas revelation. "And how did
you reach that conclusion?", he asked skeptically, but without doubt
that Tifa had a good explanation.
And he listened as she detailed her first indication at the last
staff meeting. An all too `nuetral' odor. Then, Hargens squeaky clean
medical record. In themselves, not condemning. But still odd enough to
warrant investigation. However, it was the tricorder readings of Hargens
`blood' that kept Castle from dismissing the notion entirely.
"Herrr furniture was smashed beyond what you orrr I could do with
ourrr barrre hands.", she explained.
Castle nodded, considering any other steps they could take to
support Tifas supposition. He still had his doubts that his officer had
drawn the proper conclusion, but there was something odd about the
details she offered. It required further investigation. Definitely. He
tapped his commbadge.
"Castle to Dr. Ramius.", he called out.
=^=Ramius here.=^ "Doctor...", Castle looked at Tifa while he spoke. "Have you tested
the blood of Comm. Hargen for possible antibodies that might counteract
the Romulan virus?"
=^=No, lieutenant. But there are many who have not been tested.=^
Castle nodded, still looking into Tifas eyes. "And did you find any
oddities in Comm. Hargens initial duty physical?"
=^=Of course you realize that that would be privileged information
if I had.=^=, the Doctor replied. =^=But I was not her examining
physician for that physical. Her physical was done on Earth and the
records forwarded to the Grail.=^
Tifas smile became satisfied, though Castle had to admit it proved
nothing. "Thank you Doctor.", he tapped his badge again.
"A lot of the information we're basing our suppositions on...",
Castle said holding up the tricorder. ".. was gained illegally. Before
we can make any accusations, we'll need something harder. More concrete.
I trust your senses and your instincts, but I can't go to the Captain
with an accusation based upon `she smells funny'." Castle laughed
without humor. "If we're wrong, we'd be violating her basic civil
Tifa considered his words with irritation, but she did not miss a
critical point. Castle had said `If WE'RE wrong' and `WE'D be'. He
believed her. And he had committed himself to her investigation. But the
Boy Scout in him wouldn't let him do it any other way than `by the
Just then, Castle's commbadge chirped.
=^=Brinn to Castle=^
Logan tapped his badge.
"Castle here, go ahead Major." he answered.
=^=Meet me in the Main Shuttlebay with a security contingent.=^=
came the reply.
"I'll be there in two minutes." He then tapped is badge again to
open another channel. "Castle to ensigns Dimitri and Lo Pan. Report to
the Main Shuttlebay and await me outside. Castle out."
He then turned back to Tifa.
"We'll continue this another time, Tifa. For now, come with me."
and he led her to the turbolift.
Joint post by
Logan Castle and Tifa Charr
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