Subject: Grail: Great Brightness - Queen to Queen (Brinn)
47307.31- 10:04, Main Shuttle Bay
"I am Subcommander Thalissa of the Warbird R'Larn. I am at your mercy."
Athalya Anne smiled at the woman and let herself into her mind as she
walked towards this 'Subcommander Thalissa, but carefuly keeping out of
arms reach. *Danm you, Command!* she thought. Why on earth they had
promoted her from a mere Gunnery Sergeant to a Lieutenant Major all of
the sudden was beyond her. *I'll kill you when I find out who you are,
you asshole.* She thought of the person who had promoted her to this
insanely high rank. *I swear to God, I'll cut your throat!* Her smile
widened just a hair. *Perhaps she's right after all.*
All the while, she was eye this woman who stood before her. Athalya
Anne was queerly reminded of a dignatary from a country that had been on
the wrong side of a war. Thalissa was about Athalya Anne's hight, give
or take a few centimeters, wore her hair in the typical Vulcan/ Romulan
fashion, and had a delecate sort of beauty. *Delecate, my ass.* She
thought snidely. This was Athalya Anne's Romulan counterpart.
At last she spoke. "Until you give us reason to believe other wise, you
are honored guests. Have you any wounded?" Athalya Anne had no idea
how many that Rommie pod could fit. Probaly between six and ten.
"I am alone." This she said regaly and without emotion. Eying the
predominatly male population, Thalissa sneered.
As a formality, Athalya Anne said somewhat dryly, "I trust you do not
require any medical assistance."
"That is none of your concern." The Ice Queen said.
"Quite the contrary. It is my concern." Athalya Anne's eyes narrowed
slightly and set her jaw.
*Well? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?* A voice in the back of
her head asked.
"I am LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn, of the USS Grail," she gestured to
Fionn, "This is Lt Fionn, our Chief of Tactical and this is Lt Logan
Castle, Chief of Security." Athalya Anne gestured in turn to Castle.
Athalya Anne mentaly consulted the protocul for such an occasion. *Take
her to Sickbay.* The back of her mind laughed. *Let her see the
ravages of what her people have done.* It scardonicly said.
"Walk this way." She lead the way out, leaving security to file around
the woman.
LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn