Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'The GB part II: Conclusion'

OOC: Sorry it took so long, folks! Mandy and I had some pretty busy

schedules we had to work around. But here is, finally, the conclusion to

the Great Brightness. I think we should maybe start the 'Kerestria'

chapter now...

<<Stardate 47307.31 - 12:34>>

<<Main Bridge>>

"Approaching the last star, sir." François announced from the conn.

For the last two hours, he had been keeping the ship on course, while

Donucci had been rectifying the flight path with every new change in the

gravitational field. She was actually a very good navigator, excellent

even. François couldn't find anyhting wrong with the coordinates she

sent him. In fact, they made a pretty good team.

"Proceed with your plan, Lt." responded Epic from the central seat,

"Get us out of here."

"Oui, Capitaine." acknowledged François. Hargen and Hunt had had

time to restore some of the shields. enough to get them past the last

star, they all hoped. According to the sensors, the activity of the

different stars in the cluster hadn't ceased increasing since they had

entered the Great Brightness. And the last one was one of the most


François eased the ship closer, waiting for Donucci to confirm the

entry point he had chosen. They had maintain their speed all the while

at the captain's request. He wanted them out of there yesterday. He

didn't seem to regret going through the GB, but it was obvious he didn't

want them to stay in it any longer than was necessary. Donucci's

confirmation came in, and François entered the dwarf's gravitational


Alison did her best to make sure the flight-path that was chosen was

passable. Watching as François skillfully positioned the ship and began

to accellerate to break the gravitational pull once the Grail is on

the other side of the dwarf.

"The gravitational field is causing us to gain speed a lot faster

than expected, we are currently at warp 7.5 and climbing." reported


With all the solar activity and little room to maneuver the ships

shields continue to take a pounding. "Shields down to 65%." reports

Hunt from ops.

François did an excellent job of keeping the ship on course as it

kept gaining speed."Warp 8.25 and increasing." announced François.

"We're clearing the star... We've made it thro..." but he was suddenly

interrupted when the Grail was violently shook. Some of the bridge

personnel were even knocked to the ground.

"What was that?" asked the captain incredulously.

The answer had to wait while everyone checked the readings at their

stations. Eve Mallory was the first to speak. "This is amazing sir...

the gravity pull from the Great Brightness is increasing... It's as if

it doesn't want us to leave!"

"Our speed has stabilized at warp 9 sir..." DeMontigny confirmed

from the helm. "No wait. We're loosing speed.... warp 8.5...8...7.5..."

he suddenly corrected himself.

"Increase power to engines!" Terrakian ordered.

"Increasing to full power!" acknowledged DeMontigny as the ship

continued to shake. "We're still loosing velocity, Capitaine! Currently

at warp 6... 5.5..."

At the tactical station, Alison Donucci furiously consulted the

console while trying to stay on her feet. "Captain, if we drop below

warp 3, there is no way we'll be able to make it out.!" she suddenly


"Radiation levels are increasing dramatically, sir." added Hunt from

ops, "The shields are on the verge of collapsing!"

Tension was evident in everybody's voice as the ship continued to be

shaken by the gravity pull. "We're down to warp 4 sir!" DeMontigny said.

Even in his usually nonchalant voice was tinged with a tip of

nervousness. However, the smile on his face betrayed how much he was

enjoying himself.

"Commander Hargen!" Terrakian turned to his chief engineer, his calm

voice was like a sturdy island in the middle of a troubled sea, "Reroute

all power to the engines and the shields. ALL power. That includes

Sickbay and Life Support."

For a moment, everyone on the bridge turned to stare wide eyed at

the captain. But only for a moment. Epic turned back to face the

viewscreen and ordered, "Now." His tone left no room for discussion.

Hargen groaned as she executed the order. Soon, the bridge lights

went out and the ship seemed to die as virtually all it's functions

ceased. On the bridge, the silence was complete and all the eyes were

turned to François DeMontigny at the conn, waiting for the results. The

helmsman's hands were a blur on his console as he manually handled the

ship's speed and course, the automatic navigator having no power. After

what seemed like an eternity, he spoke.

"Speed stabilized at warp 3.25," excitement evident in his voice,

"We're going to make it!"

The bridge crew exhaled as one. "Speed is increasing to warp 3.5...

warp 4..." François continued as the ship slowly stopped shaking.

"Stabilize at warp 6, Lieutenant." the captain ordered as everyone

began to relax. "Commander Hargen, when we reach that speed, begin

restoring power to essential ship functions. Starting with Life Support

and Sickbay."

At the helm, François was silently jubilating. He had beaten the

Great Brightness. No, that was incorrect. THEY had beaten the Great

Brightness. There was no way he could have done it alone, and no way

they could have made it if they hadn't worked as a team. Still, François

felt an immense pride when he thought of everything that had happened in

the last few hours. But now it was over and it was time for Donucci to

reclaim the helm. And for François to celebrate!

Standing up, he turned to face the bridge crew, his smug grin almost

stretching from one ear to the other. "Thank you, thank you, " he

started, "It was nothing, really. And I invite all of you for the repeat

performance in ten years, on our way back!"

Joint post by

Alison Donucci and

François 'Ain't he a pisser?' DeMontigny