Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - `Raising Hackles'

<<OOC: This note is just to illustrate the breadth of the Delta Quadrant

without contradicing anyones information so far. First, we are net yet

in the Delta Quadrant. We are in the Beta Quadrant, approximately 2000

light years from the Delta Quad borderlands. It would take 9 months at

maximum sustainable warp just to reach the border. Also, Ambassador

T'Neks message to the Torrilion Empire, which would require four days to

reach the ears they were intended for, constitutes a 1700 light year

signal distance. Without a series of booster relays [and I'm not saying

that the Torrilion Empire doesn't have such a network in affect. They

may well have. Only T'Nek knows for sure] such a signal would degrade to

static before it reached the Empire. And you can forget Gamma Alteries.

They're 15,000 light years away [and subsequently, assimilated by the

Borg]. Just wanted to keep a perspective on things. We have a LOT of

distance to cover, with many wonderful and terrible obstacles along the

way. Thank you.>>

<<Stardate: 47307.29- 23:30>>

<<Captains Ready Room>>

Epic started awake when he felt the Grail drop out of warp.

Although they were immune to inertia, too many years on a starship gave

you a feel for such things. Swinging his legs over the side of the

couch, he stood with a popping of knees. Shaking his head to clear it,

he moved toward the door. It opened at his approach.

When Epic entered the Bridge, Athayla Anne moved to vacate the Big

Chair, but Epic stopped her with a wave of his hand. Instead, he went to

the Tactical Station. It was the only station he felt truly comfortable

at. He looked over his shoulder at the small shuttle on the main viewer.

"Number One. Report.", he ordered. But before Brinn could reply, a

message from the shuttle came over the open channel.

=^=Attention hostile alien vessel. Your aggressive actions were

uncalled for and inappropriate for an unarmed shuttle. I required your

assistance, not this aggression. As it stands, I am not in a position to

argue, and if you must destroy me, then so be it. You may be interested

to know I have sent an encoded message to the Torrilion Homeworld

informing them of your actions. If I were you, I would leave this

section of space immediately. May the Seven have mercy on your souls.=^

Epic was unclear what the Shuttle meant by `hostile actions'. He

checked the Tactical board over the duty officers shoulder and learned

that Brinn had committed to a full defensive posture. It did seem

overzealous, but when you're all alone in the middle of nowhere without

back-up, it was certainly better to be safe than sorry. Epic gave Brinn

an approving nod.

Epic tapped the Tac panel, opening the channel to respond.

"Ambassador T'Nek Destazio of the Torrilion Empire. My name is

Captain Epic Terrakian. In as much as you might consider our precautions

excessive, we do not. This vessel is far from its own borders and our

protocols demand that we take all possible measures to control

unexpected elements on our mission to Kerestia. A mission whose purpose

is dedicated to saving lives. Your own reaction is inappropriate. You

have not been fired upon and no effort has been made to suppress you,"

Epic turned to Kyp Firespray, muting his own audio. "Where is the

Torrilion Homeworld?"

Firespray moved over to the Science station and made a quick

computation. "Approximately 1700 light years from our current position.

Be firm with him Captain. They do not respect weakness."

Epic nodded in acknowledgment and brought the audio back on. "And

considering that your distress call will not reach your homeworld for

another four days, and their response possibly a year in the doing, I

recommend you lower your shields and allow us to take you aboard. Then,

we can discuss this matter further, face-to-face. I am hoping you will

comply, Ambassador. Our mission to Kerestia is urgent and we can afford

no further delays."

While Epic awaited the Torrilions response, he cut his own audio

and moved toward the turbolift. "Major Brinn. Have that shuttle towed

into Shuttle Bay 2 as soon as the Torrilion Ambassador complies. And

have Security send a minimal detachment."

Epic had gotten a full sense of the attitudes of the Bridge crew in

response to the Marine Majors response to the shuttle. They considered

it `excessive'. These were the same people who never allowed a cute

little child into their perimeter then watched friends die when that

cute little child, burdened by its own weight in explosives, detonated.

"Good looking out, Major.", he said as the turbolift opened to his

approach. As the doors closed, he tapped his commbadge.

"Terrakian to Counselor Tzavaras."

=^=Tzavaras here.=^=, she responded promptly.

"Counselor. I apologize for the lateness of the hour, but I need to

see you in Shuttle Bay 2 as soon as you can get there. We have a First
