Subject: Grail: "Great Brightness"; "Trivial Consequences"

<<OOC: Yes, I am slow at keeping up with this game, and yes, I had a

wonderful time while I was away from you all. *smiling*>>


"Trivial Consequences"

<<Stardate: 47307.30 - 11:00>>

"Fine," Jhenn said. She tapped her comm badge and said, "Specialist Jhenn

to Security. Please report to Sickbay."

Then, Jhenn looked at Kait and said, "We'll have it _your_ way."

Just then, Dr. Ramius looked up; wondering what all the commotion was about.

He had been so absorbed in the possible treatments for the bacterium that


had conceived that he hadn't even noticed that a fracas had flared up

minutes before.

"What's going on?" he asked, in a demanding and scornful tone.

Kaitlyn looked over towards the older man, but just as she did, she felt

something press against her neck. Specialist Jhenn had taken that moment


distraction as an advantage. Kaitlyn merely slumped to the ground in an

untidy heap.

Dr. Ramius, though he was quite appalled with what one of his officers had

done, still had the ability of motion about him in order to approach Jhenn

and glare down at her. "Now tell me. What the hell do you think you were

doing?" Dr. Ramius ordered, with such a quick flare up of anger that was

startling to see in a man of such maturity.

"I was just. sedating her," Jhenn responding defensively at first, then


up a more haughty composure.

However, just as Jhenn had taken up that composure, Ramius's inclination to

punish his specialist took the forefront. Instead of saying anything

further, Ramius bent over and lifted Kaitlyn up onto a biobed. He held his

back, while asking of Jhenn, "And who told you to sedate every patient that

walks in here?"

"No one, sir," Jhenn responded worriedly. She quickly added, "But I thought

it would be wise considering that those who have the infection suffer

greatly while conscious. I was saving them from such agony."

Dr. Ramius shook his head at this, and directed with a degree of vehemence,

"From now on, don't carry out something like that without being told to."

At that moment, the doors to Sickbay opened. Logan Castle entered Sickbay

and scanned the room. Most of the

biobeds were full and Dr. Ramius was involved in some sort of exchange with

one of the female personnel, although the exchange did not seem, in the

least bit, to be of a kindly nature. They were both standing over Lt.

Kaitlyn Brennan. She must have been sedated because she laid there

listlessly on the biobed as if there weren't a single drop of energy left



Castle approached the two at the biobed. He glanced down at the unconscious

engineer, and his eyebrows wobbled in a parody of the sinister as he looked

at the Lieutenant. He had always had a liking for redheads.

Ramius, looking exhausted, asked Castle, "What is it you need?"

"I'm looking for a Specialist Jhenn," Castle stated, looking at the only

other woman standing in the Sickbay. She stepped forward.

"That would be me," the woman said with a sigh of irritation.

"Save the attitude," Castle said with a frown. "You called me, remember?

Now tell me why?" And he took a step closer to her and smiled a shark's

smile. "Nicely," he suggested.

"This officer here refused to cooperate and was threatening violent action

while I tried to give her the needed sedative," Jhenn responded.

Dr. Ramius looked at Jhenn incredulously. "Lt. Castle, I don't believe

we'll be needing any assistance here. Specialist Jhenn here has yet to

learn how to handle patients."

"Are you sure?" Castle asked, looking for confirmation before leaving.

"Yes," Ramius said tiredly. "I'm sorry to have bothered you, Lt. Castle."

With that, Castle left out the door which he came and the Sickbay fell into

an unusual silence. Dr. Ramius gave Jhenn a meaningful look, but said

nothing. Instead, he picked up his blue starfleet jacket, and decided to

call it a day. Jhenn was left alone with the quietly ailing people. The

fire which had burned in her earlier had been subdued by the unnerving

solitude that overwhelmed Sickbay. There were dozens of patients, but not a

single one of them was conscious enough to serve as company. Specialist

Jhenn could only contemplate certain disturbing ideas while in the clutches

of a solitude that does not leave.


A Joint Post By:

Lt. Kaitlyn Brennan

Lt. Logan Castle