Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness": `Last Hope'
<<Stardate: 47307.31>>
<<Corridor Deck 12>>
Epic stood in the rain and looked at the pips in his hand. It was
just too much. He would never gain Brinns respect by expecting it. And
he might never gain it now. Did he care? He supposed in some way he did,
but he was not sure if his needs were his own, or the needs of the crew
that would benefit from her experience.
Of one thing he was sure, though. The Grail needed her. He needed
her. And if he did not end this destructive conflict now, it would never
end. But how? Until now, he had thought that he had done everything as
it should have been done. And none of it had worked. None of it. There
was only one last thing to do. One last hope.
He took a deep breath and let it out. The rain in his face was cool
and clean. Closing his fist around the little gold pips, he left the
holodeck at a brisk pace.
A few officers saw the soaking Captain and tried their best to
avoid his gaze. Epic disregarded those he passed. His focus was on one
and one alone. Athayla Anne Brinn. She hadn't gotten far. Epic
straightened his shoulders.
"Ms. Brinn.", he called to her. She slowed but did not stop.
"Athayla." Still, she kept walking. "Please.", he finally said. She
Epic approached her. The corridor was alive with activity. Epic
entered the nearby gymnasium and turned to her. "May I have a word in
private?" Without a word, she entered the gym. Epic stood for a long
moment, dripping in place.
"My name is Epic Terrakian and because of the death of this ships
Captain, Jebediah Cochrane....", he paused, then added. "... my
father.... I have been offered the field promotion of Captain.
"I am now without a First Officer. Now, I know you are a civilian,
but your record of service in the Federations Marines indicates that you
are an outstanding facilitator and ideally suited to the
responsibilities of Executive Officer. It is my hope that you will
consider accepting the commission of an Executive Officer onboard this
"Now before you answer...", Epic said quickly. "... I have to warn
you that two years ago I was a Tactical Officer. Last year I was a
Security Chief. And now, I am Captain. I have no experience with the
responsibilities I have been given and I will need a great deal of your
help if I am to be affective.
"I also have some `ego' issues that I will be working out with our
new Ships Counselor. Hopefully, those issues will soon be resolved, but
I will expect you to keep me apprised of any breaches in protocol I may
"I am not the easiest person to work with, but with your help, I
think we can succeed on this mission."
He pushed the water away from his face and sniffled a little. Then,
Epic opened his hand to her, offering back her pips.
"Will you accept, Ms. Brinn?", he asked with almost quiet calm.
"Will you help me?"