Subject: Grail: 'The Great Brightness': "Slipped a Cog"
<<OOC: Sorry to post this after Kerestia started, but thought it would
be good to get this out of the way, seeing that I don't post enough>>
<<Stardate: 47307.31>>
<<Travelling through Great Brightness>>
<<Mess Hall>>
The lights went out in the Mess Hall, and the place became dead quiet.
Even the breaths of those few souls eating in the room stopped, as if
to pay homage to the darkening of the room. Frobo was in the middle
of replicating a hamburger for one of the civilian scientists in line,
but due to the power outage, the only thing on the plate was a pile of
organic goop. Frobo groped for the plate in the dark, but had little
luck. Finally, stepping forward, Frobo knocked the plate off of the
replicator tray, spilling the contents onto the ground.
"Frobo. What was that?" Vincent asked as he approached the sound.
"Just a hamburger. I'll clean it up when the lights come back on."
Vincent approached the sound in front of him. Just a few more steps,
and he would be close enough to activate the charged light switch he
rigged in his spare time. It would only last them a few minutes, but
it would be enough to assess the damage and to lead people back to the
Vincent's foot came in contact with the organic goop on the floor.
The reduced friction enabled his foot to slide out from under him,
sending him for a fraction of a second into free-fall.
*Thunk* was the sound of the back of Vincent's head smacking the
floor. Vincent let out a moan as stars exploded in his vision. As the
stars faded into the night of the dark mess hall, explosions of pain
flowed from his head and back. This was not looking to be a good day
for Vincent.
"Boss! You okay?" Frobo asked from several feet away. Vincent tried
to communicate, but all he could think to do was speak in Cardassian,
which was really odd since he hadn't learned it since his Academy days.
Luckily, the computer was able to translate, and Frobo understood that
his boss's head was in a lot of pain.
"Stay there, okay. I'll try to get you some help."
Vincent layed there as Frobo went for some help. Someone managed to
feel her way over to him, and was asking him if he needed anything.
Vincent moved his hand back behind his head, feeling the back of his
head. It wasn't wet, which was a good sign. He could feel it begin
to swell, though, and the pain of just touching it was unbearable.
Shortly, the lights came back on, and the overhead lights jabbed
Vincent in the eyes. *This must be what a hangover feels like* Vincent
thought to himself. He had heard of people complaining about monster
headaches. This one ranked with the best of them in his mind. If
only he could get to his feet and stop laying on his head, maybe he
could feel better.
Slowly, with the help of a couple of people, Vincent managed to get
to his feet. He was feeling very woozy from the rush of blood away
from his head, and the throbbing of his head wasn't any better. It
was best that he go and take a little nap.
"Sir, are you okay? I think you need to go to Sickbay." one of the
people who helped Vincent up said. Vincent shook his head, trying
to dismiss their prognosis.
"All I need is a little nap. It's just a bump, nothing more."
Vincent slowly stumbled out of the mess hall, pushing off anyone who
tried to help him. Soon, he was able to make it to the turbolift.
Once there, he told the turbolift to take him to the deck where his
room was located, then waited a few moments until it reached its
destination. Stumbling out of the turbolift, Vincent chuckled at the
thought of Frobo returning to find him gone. As long as he didn't
slip on hamburger patte any time soon, he would be all right.
Vincent entered his room and walked over to his closet. Openning the
door, he took a look into the mirror to examine the wound the best he
could. What he saw completely surprised him.
There, standing before him, was a Cardassian wearing his clothes.
The sight completely startled Vincent. Screaming, Vincent slammed
the closet door shut, grabbing the back of his head the best he could
as the throbbing sensation increased.
It took several moments for Vincent to build up the nerve to open his
closet door again. Slowly, his hand went to the handle. His fingers
betrayed his thoughts with their shaking. Vincent suppressed the shaking
by wrapping the fingers tightly around the handle. Then, with a quick
pull, the closet door swung wide open.
Nothing. Nothing but the reflection of Vincent's sorry self. He
peered into the closet, trying to see if the Cardassian may have
slipped further in. Not finding a thing, he shook his head and closed
the closet door again.
Vincent flopped into his bed, trying to force out the images of the day
for a moment. Just a moment to get some peace. Just a moment. It
suddenly hit Vincent. The Cardassian he had seen was not a real one,
but a reflection... a reflection of himself. *So, what does that mean?*
Vincent asked himself. For once, he didn't have a clue as to the answer.
Yeoman Vincent Rogers
Mess Hall Cook
U.S.S. Grail