Subject: Grail: The Great Brightness - "Ethics"

OOC: Sorry, this was posted some weeks ago, but no-one seemed to get it,

and it just bounced back to me. It's been changed slightly and I'm

reposting it....


T'Nek was relaxing in the Mess Hall when found out something. Something

that disturbed him greatly.

"HE DID WHAT?" he shouted at the Ensign who had told him. The poor ensign

was startles, and T'Nek quickly apologised to the Ensign, then hurried back

to his quarters.

Had Epic really shot an unarmed female in cold blood? That has got to be

against all those high and mighty federation rules they follow ? So why ?

The very thought of Epic's actions were highly disturbing to T'Nek. It was

a dishonorable act, and a crime against sentient life. T'Nek considered how

to phrase his message to the Captain. He had also acted dishonorably in

dealing with the K'Pla. But this matter required attention....

"Computer, record message. Audio Only. PRIVATE."

T'Nek held his breath, then began:

"Captain Epic Terrakian, On behlaf of the Torillion Empire I would like to

protest regarding your actions towards the Romulan female you have in

custody. What you have done has breached many serious areas Captain. As

Sentient life, we are charged with the responsibility of not taking our

life, or the life of others friviously. And you shot an unarmed woman, whom

you had taken prisoner. She was defensless, and at your mercy. But you shot

her in cold blood. This disturbs me greatly Captain. I have often sensed

your mind is in a turmoil, and under huge amounts of stress. This is

understandable in your position. I am concerned that you may be letting

your emotions get in the way of your duty, as I did. And believe me

Captain, it comes back to haunt you. I know I do not have much of a right

to say these things, as I to have acted wrongly. But I ask you to consider

my words, and if need be take a long rest before starting the next mission.

I sense a haunted soul plauged by sorrow and darkness. I do not doubt your

fine abilities as Captain of this ship. I am just concerned for your well

being. Thankyou for listening, and please be aware that I am not in any way

attempting to impinge on your authority."

T'Nek sighed. He then tapped a quick note to Brinn..

"Brinn, this is T'Nek. I request to speak to you before you quit command

for good. Please speak with me. Thanks."

And he waited...


Ambassador T'Nek Destazio