Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - "General Quarters Summary"
(OOC: Sorry for this log, but I had it in the draft folder stored, and
forgot to ever send it. Note that Stardates specified below don't mean when
the report happened, but when it was filed and proccessed. Also, some are
screwed up because I hadn't had the time to verify them. Sorry for that one.
When I put the log online - in about 6 weeks - I'll correct the
innacuracies. Sorry. My idea writting this many days ago was to get you into
having a better idea of the ship's inner workings, specially on the OPS
department, and how everything that happens here is noted. NO ONE is free
from OPS, as OPS doesn't let anyone go free! Some of you might find this log
a little hilarious, while some of you will feel like it was completely
disturbing. Some of you might even think that they are being held under
surveillance, and that your privacies have been violated. I REALLY HOPE SO.
So drop me a letter and tell me what you think! - If you have the time -)
Chief of Operations - Lt. Cmdr. Corvette Hunt personal log
Stardate: 47307.29
General Quarters order. Day 10.
It's been 10 great days aboard this vessel. Perhaps, even the ten best
days I've had onboard it. Ever since the GQ order was issued, corridors
became vacated, ten-forward was almost empty, and everyone dwelled upon
themselves and their work. No joking around, no disturbing kids running
down the halls... just peace. Peace broken from time to time by some
officers who couldn't stand the pressure, and let it out starting a few
fights here and there. Not that I mind people fighting from time to
time, but it's just that those that do, are the most cowards of them
all. Namely Howardson and Delgado. Those cowards tried to evacuate the
ship the other day, because they didn't wanted to get infected.
Well, that's entirely another thing. This romulan disease is really
getting on my nerves on the other hand. Not much because of the
prospect of dying, which doesn't bother me much knowing the cure is so
close, but due to the fact of the headaches and dizziness I sometimes
experience. Yesterday, Dr. Ramious checked my viral count, and instead
of lowering like some other crewmembers have, has increased in an
alarming 27%. I had to visit sickbay using a viral containment suit,
and for that I was glad that GQ was in place, for no one was able to
see me walking down the Grail's corridors in such an outfit. It would
probably had scared the heck out of that person.
During this 10 days, I've been able to finally catch up on OPS
paperwork. While checking some of the reports I've got from my
personnel, I've highlighted out a few ones that I'd like to point out.
- Nazgur's report. Stardate: (47307.20): The worm invasion in ten-forward
has been contained. Those worms were delicious, although some of them
tasted strangely like iron. Eitherway, it was a feast I sure want to
repeat some day. End of report.
- Morliana's report. Stardate: (47307.20) : Today engineering was called
upon ten-forward due to a malfunction in the replicators located there.
The worm incident as it has been classified, was ocassioned because
someone placed a loop order on the desired dish, and such order was
issued on all replicators located on the site. Foul play is reponsible
for the accident, however no leads or suspects have shown at this time.
End of report.
- Kahtor's report. Stardate: (47307.21): Lt. (jg) François DeMontigny has
been placed in the brig because of charges placed against him by Lt.
Allison Donucci on the grounds of insubordination and (dadas). However,
he has been released today because of it being a first violation, being
first because the coming to the Grail erased all it's previous criminal
record, at least according to Federation law. He has been allowed to
return to duty, but restricted to quarters on non-working hours. End of
- Countreau's report. Stardate: (47307.21) Ambassador Firespray has been
seen running today through the corridors of the ship, as if persecuted
by an unknown entity probably in his mind. The cute little guy seemed
awfully delicious running down the halls in his cape. He seemed like if
flying. I wonder if he's available to someone like me... errrr... going
back to the report, no suspicious activity has he comitted so far, none
that our sensors and computer logs can detect. However, I'll continue
to keep survaillance on his person. End of report.
- Selak's report. Stardate: (47307.23) Dr. Ramin has been sending and
receiving communications from the federation on a regular basis until
yesterday, when presumably he lost contact because of our distance to
the last relay station in this sector of space. Analisis of some of the
transmitions indicate that they all regard medical, clinical and/or
pharmaceutical databases and general medicine files. It's logical to
presume that they don't pose a threat to the ship or it's occupants.
End of report.
- Nazgur's report. Stardate: (47307.23) I'm not sure if I should
report this, but captain Terrakian went into a holodeck with the XO,
and when he came out he had to go to sickbay for some 'repairs' he
needed. Medical file on the incident has been classified, and it's
attached to this one. End of report.
- Countreau's report. Stardate (47307.25): The RCD - MK4 assimilation
project is slow, very slow. It seems like there's not enough power to
make it happen at this time, however they keep trying to use different
methods in order to make it work. There's no saying when will it be
ready, if ever. End of report.
- Morliana's report. Stardate (47307.25): Marine Kirby has performed their
squad marine training flawlessly... again. However, their growing
anxiety seems to be getting the most out of them. A couple of new
marines have been defrozen to replace the fallen ones, and they seem to
be getting better and better as each day passes. However, a few
surprise training sessions would be in order, as well as an ever
changing combat simulation being thrown against them. One thing I could
never understand, however, is why are they frozen in the first place?
Perhaps I'll never know. End of report.
- Selak's report. Stardate (47307.26): I went by sickbay to examine John
Parker's condition. His criostasis chamber in in full operation,
however, neither Dr. Ramin nor Dr. Ramious give him any hope of
recovering in the near future. Since more than 15 days of being on
stasis have passed, and in the near future we don't seem to be able to
cure him, it's logical to assume the worst, and name a new assistant
for the spot he left. End of report.
- Kahtor's report. Stardate (47307.27): Security protocols on Science lab 3
have been upgraded in order to protect project 'Angeline'. Not even a
changeling is going to be able to enter the place without the proper
authorization. End of report.
- Nazgur's report. Stardate (47307.28): Marine Kirby has asked Lt. Cmdr.
for some parts to build some sort of device. She analized the data and
didn't seemed much concerned about the small project as he stated in
his conversation "I just need something to occupy my mind." End of
- Selak's report. Stardate (47307.29): Class 4 quarantine fields have been
erected on 67 quarters in order to contain the ever growing number of
infected by the romulan disease. The drain on resources has been
inmense, considering the spance of time of our mission, and some labs
had to be shutdown or restricted because of the probable shortage of
energy. Due to our proximity to the so called Great Brightness, an old
method of acquiring energy is being used, in order to save as much
dillithium and trillithium as possible. A vast array of solar panels
have been placed around the ship, which convert the incredible amounts
of visible energy coming out of the star cluster into usable energy.
This energy, is being stored in capacitors for later or emergency use.
End of report.
- Countreau's report. Stardate (47307.29): Mr. Rogers, the mess hall cook
prepare the most delicious meals, I've ever tasted. He's kind of cute
too, but likes to hang out to much with a blue guy named Frobo, as if
he where his old brother or something. I just hate men who have to take
care of someone else in order to feel good. I just want him to take
care of me. End of report.
- Morliana's report. Stardate (47307.28): The so called new ship's
councelor, Mirka Tzavaras approached me today to see if I needed any
help, or someone to talk to. TO ME! Can you imagine that? Of all
persons she chooses to try to help, he goes to me, as if I needed her
help. The nerve of such woman is unbelievable. End of report.
- Nazgur's report. Stardate (47307.28): I approached Lt. Mayor Brinn today.
She definitively isn't a very friendly female. Either that, or she
doesn't like ferengi's at all. For all I care, she should be on the
bridge naked, serving food and drinks to everyone else. Not acting as
XO. Although her marine attitude is kind of exciting. It makes my lobes
to get red hot whenever she passes besides me and I can be close enough
to smell her. However, I too have seen that other hu-mans like her, or
desire her. It's even rumored that with the right amount of vodka you
can take her whenever, whereever you want. It's even rumored that some
feline guy was able to do so. I'll try to find out more about it. End
of report.
- Selak's report. Stardate (47307.29): There's something suspicious about
Lt. Cmdr. Hargen, I cannot quite put my finger on it, as you humans
like to say. Something about her way of acting and performing her
duties, seems illogical, but at the same time, since there is no
evidence or facts to support such an assumption, is also illogical to
assume her behavior as illogical. As I discussed it with Nazgur, he
employed the term "It must be your intuition". But since I don't have
any, I don't think that could be it. End of report.
- Kahtor's report. Stardate (47307.27): I've been monitoring the Chief of
Security Logan's activities the past few days. He tends to perform his
duties quite well, however, his attitude is far too relaxed for the
kind of job he manages. I don't like him. For the past couple of days
hes been walking with some small scar on his lip, probably from some
kind of bite, but neither of his men wanted to discuss such a matter.
Perhaps he likes to 'interact' with someone on his team, I can't be
sure at this time. End of report.
- Morliana's report. Stardate (47307.27): The Tactical Chief was attacked
by an unknown person. She went to sickbay and I haven't heard anything
else from her afterwards. It's highly probable she knows who the person
or persons where that attacked her, however since it resides as a
security matter, and not and organizational one, I won't intervene on
the outcome of such investigation. End of report.
"Computer, end log."