Subject: Grail: The Heart never Forgets what the Soul has seen

<<Stardate 47307.31 - 12:34>>

<<Main Bridge>>

Fionn watch the 'fancy flying' left to the Helm Bridge Crew, although he

didn't like Francois much, he was impressed with on how he handled the


Standing up, he turned to face the bridge crew, his smug grin almost

stretching from one ear to the other. "Thank you, thank you, " he

started, "It was nothing, really. And I invite all of you for the repeat

performance in ten years, on our way back!"

"IF your still alive." He mumbled to himself as Alison heard him she

smirked a little. Turning to her as the crew clapped at Francois'

performance, "Is he always this arrogant?"

"No this is one of his more calm days, but he does get the job done."

Replied Alison as she walked back over to take control of the helm.

*Maybe now that I let François have his moment in the sun he'll show

more respect if nto for me maybe my postion.*

She just nodded and smiled, she wasn't the only one that didn't

like the Assitant Helm Officer's attitude. Fionn took the Tact Station

back from Alison as things return to normal. After the Captain give

his congrads tothe Bridge Crew, the rest of the Alpha Shift seem to

fly by quickly as Beta Shift relieved them of their post. As Fionn and

Ali entered the TL he turned to her placing his hand on her shoulder,

"Great work LT, we couldn't have done it without you, now on a lighter

note, I really enjoyed myself on your holodeck program." He replied as

he smiled at her as the doors of the TL slid shut.

Lookiing into Fionns eyes, "Thank you lieutenant." "I'm just glad this whole

ordeal is over."

"I could use a cup of coffee, do you know anyone who'd be interested in

buying me a cup?" Alison mused.

"I'm sure I could swing it." Fionn replied. "Deck 10"

Soon the Ten Forward doors opened revealing the slightly empty Lounge. A

blue skinned waiter approached the two Officers and smiled as he nodded to

Fionn and escorted them to his 'private' table.

"Its good to have connections." He smiled as he awaited for the lovely

lady to order first.

"I'll have a cup of coffee no cream no sugar." Alison requested, then waits

as Fionn orders.

"I'll have a Ratahgino" He replied ordering the famous Klingon Coffee.

Alison tries to listen as Fionn talk about the days events, but something

keeps distracting her. It has kept her from doing a better job of

assimilating herself into the crew. Having to deal with a power struggle at

conn with François, and still this thought wouldn't leave her alone. The

thought that keeps her distracted isn't really a thought it's a memory, and

this memory is 'Loren'.

Looking into Fionns eyes he could already tell there was something wrong.

"I... I sorry Fionn, I'm just not ready for this and you deserve someone who

can return your feelings." Alison says as she becomes glassy-eyed. "I'm

sorry, but maybe someday." *Maybe someday when a flame burns itself out.*

"What's wrong Ali?" He replied looking at her. His Koheen spirit sight

could easily tell him what was truely wrong. "Please, if not as we were, at

least as good friends, I would hate to loose you." He replies with sadness

within his cat-like eyes. "My ancestors speek of two people such as us,

calling them 'Rratharun', or soul searchers, keep each other as one, holding

one another's strength. I haven't found one such as you." He says as his

hand drifts to hers. "This tradition only happens in one's lifetime, and

since I've met you, my wylds have soften and become more in control. The

feelings I have for you are strong Ali, but, if you are not ready I will

also respect that as well." He says as his hand drifts from hers. Soon the

waiter arrives with the coffees as silence fills the table. Picking up his

cup, Fionn sips the hot coffee, he seems to be fill in his own thoughts as

he looks across at Alison.

Even while in the Fionn pored his feelings to her, Ali was still only

thinking of one thing. *Loren......................* "I'm sorry this just

isn't right I have to leave." With that said Alison gets up and exits ten


Fionn watched as Alison stood up and stormed out of 10 Fwrd. Looking down

into his coffee he could feel something within him rise, a rage beyond any

human feeling, one which could even tople a Klingon into going on a rampage.

Slowly he stood and made his way out of 10 fwrd, as the doors slid open an

Ensign made his way in, he didn't see the stonewall as Fionn simply pass

through him like he wasn't even there. aking his way to the holodeck, he

had to do something.


by Lt Fionn and Lt Donucci