Subject: Re: Grail - The Great Brightness - Unhappy Ambassador
OOC (Remember, T'Nek is lost, is unsure of his current position and
does not know the Alterians have been assimilated)
>"Ambassador T'Nek Destazio of the Torrilion Empire. My name is
>Captain Epic Terrakian. In as much as you might consider our
>precautions excessive, we do not. This vessel is far from its own
>borders and our protocols demand that we take all possible measures
>to control unexpected elements on our mission to Kerestia. A mission
>whose purpose is dedicated to saving lives. Your own reaction is
>inappropriate. You have not been fired upon and no effort has been
>made to suppress you,"
T'Nek sensed something.. different in this man voice. He concentrated
a bit harder on Epic..
"So Captain, you call powering up all weapons, locking them on my
vessel and snaring me with a tractor beam not suppressing me ? I
would have thought a species of your intelligence would know better.
Why, these actions alone have caused countless wars in my region of
space, lasting millenia upon millenia. This is *not* the way to greet
strangers in this section of space. Not only that, but I sense a
great hostility on board your vessel. How do I know you will not harm
me ?"
T'Nek pauses, gathering his thoughts. He was attempting to read Epic,
but at this distance with this interference he could not get much
more than a faint dabbling. One thing he felt for sure was that Epic
had a deep set honour in him, and would more than likely not harm
him. Having no real choice, he must beam aboard. But first, a
(To Computer)
"Computer, powerdown all weapons and shields. Emergancy power only"
"Also, activate program T'Nek Alpha-Gamma-One."
<<Affirmitive. All command functions have been disabled. Memory and
data banks have been encoded. All non-vital systems will be disabled
in 5 mins. Ship is set to self destruct if hostile entry is detected.
Confirm ?>>
"Confirmed, Voice Code 44572Alpha"
<<Lockdown in 5 minutes>>
"Open a channel to the Grail. Audio Only."
"Attention USS Grail. I have powered down all systems. I am unarmed.
Grail, I am placing my life in your hands. You have 5 mins to beam me
aboard before this ship becomes lifeless."
Ambassador T'Nek Destazio
Official Rep. of the Torrilion Empire