Subject: Re: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Prime Directive'

OOC: This is a fairly aggressive post. Please don't take it *too*

personally :P


T'Nek finished listening to Fran_ois's speech. A look

of sadness and pity came over his face. He stared at him. He stared a

long hard gaze, as if he was looking into Fran_ois's sould. It was a

gaze that reflected the every heartache of all the souls of Kerestia.

It was a gaze of utter sadness. The room was silent while this was

happening. After about 4 minutes T'Nek broke off, shaking his head.

He spoke directly to Fran_ois.

"For such an advanced species, I pity you. I pity your lack of

compassion. I pity your close-mindedness. And above all, I pity your

cold-heartedness. This is not interference. This is the prevention of

genocide. There are real people down there, real people who have

children and families. These people are starving, fighting out a

megare existance while the lords abuse what little is left. These

people are in a desperate situation, and your ship has the ability to

save these souls."

A sudden anger fills T'Nek. He almosts shouts:

"Yet you would turn your back on these people. You would condem them

to a slow, lingering death. You would sit up here cosy in your

starship while Kerstia dies. Such arrogance! Such disrespect for

sentient life!"

T'Nek is really heating up now. For the first time in decades, he is

releasing all his emotions that were bottled up on his extended stay

in the planet.

"You would have the audacity to rape this planet to find a cure for

the K'Pla, yet leave these people with nothing but certain death! I

hate to break this to *you*, Fran_ois but there are only 4 people in

this sector who could formulate a cure for the K'Pla. Two of them are

dead, One of them is in hiding. The last person is me. Do you really

think that you could synthasize a cure from blood? Do you realise the

implications of that action! The K'Pla is not just an organic

disease, and no amount of vampiric activites will help this. If

simple blood-letting could cure it, I would give you mine. BUT IT


By now T'Nek is shaking. Most people are dumbstruck, with only a few

managing control. T'Nek continues:

"You will expect me to help you, yet you will deny these people your

help. This Prime Directive of yours, you hold onto it as a security

blanket. The time for security is OVER. This is different space. Let

not simple words guide your choice, but honor! And honor dictates

that you must help kerestia! To do any less would be to turn your

back on life itself. And if you abandon Kerestia, may Sith have mercy

on your soul."

By this stage T'Nek had begun to calm down, realising what he'd just

said, on an alien ship to a bunch of people who had just rescued him.

As if like clockwork, control slips back over his mind, the emphatic

emenations ceasing. He turns away from Fran_ois, and addresses the


"I am.... sorry. My people live by a strict moral code.. I hope you

did not take my comments.. personally. I know not all of you agree

wih Fran_ois's statement."

T'Nek looks over at Epic. "Captain, you have my apologies for that

outburst. I am... close to this topic."

T'Nek addresses everyone. "Please, ask more questions. I will not

explode like that again. I... regret it had to happen this way."

T'Nek then sits, staring coldly at Fran_ois.

Ambassador T'Nek Destazio

Torrilion Empire