Subject: Re: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Rules be damned'
> "Very well, Captain," he said, before turning to the Torellion
> Ambassador, "Ambassador, I am sorry if I offended you, I just thought
> the question of the Prime Directive should be adressed. Now that it's
> out of the way, I suggest that we ask our terraforming experts if they
> can find any way we can rectify Kerestria's climate. As for the selfish
> oppressors, I think we can ask Major Brinn to take care of that. After
> her and her boys settle their case, we then institute a new government.
> The real question, though, is: what type of government should we choose?
> A monarchy? A presidential democracy? A ruling council? Another
> dictator?"
T'Nek just looked at Fran_ois. "I'm afraid my dear chap that killing
the Lords will not help anything. Their deaths will only allow others
to step into their place. As much as I would like to, there is no
honor or logic to that plan. However, the idea of terraforming is.
Kerestia needs food, aid and technology to help them fix their world.
Changing the government will not help those problems."
T'Nek paused for a moment. "I sense your anger and disagreement. I
hope this will not cloud your eyes in the face of what is about to
T'Nek added, also as an afterthought "Kerestia is dying, she needs
our help. This is not about respecting *your* or *our* standards. It
is about their very existance"
> Fran_ois then looked at T'Nek. 'Is your Emperor fair and just in our
> eyes, Ambassador?' he thought, 'For his sake, I hope he is, because
> we're apparently cleaning up the Beta Quad.'
T'Nek shot Fran_ois a look of ice. He had detected the general idea
of what Fran_ois had just thought, such strong an emotion as it was.
"You and I will have a talk later in your so called holodecks. There
you will learn that the Torrillion empire is not a pushover. I am
sure you will also learn that I am not as weak as I may seem to you."
T'Nek then turned to the good Doctor.
"Doctor, would it be possible to build some specialised
nano-machines, if I help you. These will then have to be modified to
destroy the ice and enrich the soil, but it can be done. It has been
done before by my people. Do you possess the technology to do this ?"
Ambassador T'Nek Destazio
Torrillion Empire