Subject: Re: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - "The dare of defiance"

> "As this is an open forum, everyone has the ears of the crew to hear

> whatever they have to say. Whether is good, bad or simply stupid. It doesn't

> matter, for what we are hearing here are personal opinions, so in that

> matter, ambassador, your reaction was completely out of place, out of time.

T'Nek considers for a moment. He then speaks. "My reaction may have

been out of place for this meeting, but it was the only thing to do.

You expected aid, but not to give it in return."

> "Exactly." Corvette responded. "A trade that will benefit us both."

A look of amusement comes over T'Nek's face.

"Trade ? I'm afraid you will not find much on Kerestia left that you

could want. I see that your race has not yet learnt to give of

yourselves without expecting something in return. That is sad, but

must be worked with. Unless you are in desperate need of Ice, I

suggest that Trade is not the best of ideas. Even their machines and

technology are useless."

Ambassador T'Nek Destazio

Torrillion Empire