Subject: Grail - The Great Brightness' - `Prelude to First Contact II'
<<Stardate: 47307.29- 22:40>>
<<Counselor's office>>
Mirka was on her way to the bridge when Terrakian contacted her:
=^=Terrakian to Counselor Tzavaras.=^ "Tzavaras here.", she responded promptly.
=^=Counselor. I apologize for the lateness of the hour, but I need
tosee you in Shuttle Bay 2 as soon as you can get there. We have a First
Mirka got in the turbolift "Deck 13" she ordered. Finally something
was happening that she could handle. Running a starship she didn't know
much about, rules and regulations either, but meeting new species she'd
been doing that for most of her life, traveling the Federation. The TL
doors opened and Mirka walked out.
As she got to the shuttlebay doors she met the captain. Epic Terrakian
looked like hell, moreso than usual. His black uniform brought out the
bag under his eyes and his skin was paler than usual.
" Are you alright captain?" she asked, "you look... tired."
Epic nodded but waved his hand, "Later" he said.
That's when Ambassador Kyp Firespray, whom she recognized from the
files she had read, arrived all dressed in black too. Mirka had to
suppress a laugh when she noticed a cape floating behind him. The young
Alterian was obsiously trying to give himself a more serious image
probably based on Epic's. However, it looked better on the captain. Or
maybe, she then tough, Alterian leaders all dressed like superheroes.
Putting aside her thought she saluted him.
"Ambassador Firespray I presume?" she extended her hand, "I am Mirka
Tzavaras, the new ship Couselor."
Mirka Tzavaras
Ship's Counselor