Subject: Re: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Whatever Happened to Irony?
> "My dear Ambassador, far from me is the thought of you being a
> push-over or weak. You have obviously misread my mind," emphasizing the
> last part to let everyone know that the Torellion was a mind 'rapist'.
T'Nek's eyebrows arched. "Read your mind! I did no such thing. Your
emphatic emenations quite clearly gave me a good impression of what
you were thinking. It is quite obvious that you do not trust me. That
I can live with"
"I would like you all to know that I know what it's really like down
there. I lived there for many years, fixing. If it looks like I am
overly negative to your ideas, I am sorry. It is just that I know
that they have little chance of success. I will try to... control
my emotions. I assure you all, I am most definelty *not* reading any
of your minds."
T'Nek sighed and sat down, cursing himself for his un-ambassador like
show. "I'm too, too close to this matter. Maybe I should leave.." he
thought to himself...