Subject: Re: USS Grail: 'The Great Brightness' - Thinking out Loud
> > She looked up, and saw all eyes on her. Quelling a rising blush,
> > she cleared her throat. "To reverse the supernova, Captain. By
> > reversing technology in the Device built and used by Doctor
> > Soran." She shrugged. "It's a long shot, but worth investigating."
> T'Nek looked interested:
> "Hmm. You must tell me more of this device..."
As the talk around him turned away from the rights and wrongs of
being a good Samaritan to a dying race of people and slowly shifted to
the topic of taking action to aid them, Jarel was instantly brought to
attention at the mention of Soran's device. Reversing the principles of
the machine make was deadly enough, but the material that was needed to
do so was, in Jarel's opinion, more than the ship had on hand. If
only Jarel could remember the scientist's name. Sertic, Sevetik,
That's it, Gideon Seyetik. Seyetik had managed to reignite a dead sun as
the crowning work in an illustrious career as a terrafarmer.
Unfortunately, he choose to take the ride to the sun's surface with the
igniting device, but his works were all recorded and Jarel was certain
that recreating the process would be easier than recreating Soran's
Sensing that now was the best time to mention his idea and seeing
that there was a lull in conversation as T'Nek asked for more
information on Mallory's idea, Jarel cleared his throat and stood up.
"I think that the process can be easier than that ma'am."
Looking around the room, he saw that the crew was looking at him
with mixed emotions. Mistrust, doubt, and skepticism were easily seen,
and for a minute Jarel's resolve wavered. Then he saw Jheri Ryes look
his way. She gave that same small smile that she allowed him when they
had first spoke in the brig. It lasted only a second, and Jarel doubted
that anyone else noticed it, but to Jarel it showed that he had at least
one backer in his corner.
"Have any of you ever heard of Gideon Seyetik? Well, for those of
you not familiar with his work, Seyetik dedicated his life to
terrafarming and also to making the galaxy know that he was doing all
the work. He was loud, obnoxious, and a first class egomaniac, but he
was also a genius.
About six months ago, Seyetik died on the last project he had taken.
The project was the reigniting of a systems dead sun. He saw it as his
crowning work and devoted all his time and energy into the project.
After months of researching, he and his crew managed to make a Hydrogen
chain bomb. It in essence forced the sun to reignite after bombarding it
with compressed Hydrogen atoms and starting the chain reaction to ignite
Seyetik delivered the bomb personally and died as the sun returned
to life. With some time and patience I think we can duplicate Seyetik's
work. It is our best shot in my opinion."
Jarel Deschaine
USS Grail
"In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like stone."
by Christina Rossetti