Subject: Re: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - An unexpected outburst - Part 2

Athalya Anne choked, unable to contain herself any more. Violating the Prime

Directive to ensure that the Kesterians had a future was one thing - this was

nesscary to ensure their survival as a race, but giving them technology?


"Breaking the PD to ensure that the Kerstians will survive - as a species- is

one thing. But giving them a replicator, no matter how functional is an

entirely different thing. Come now, these people aren't stupid, at least we

can't assume they are, they'll figure out how it works and and perhaps how to

improve it. In doing this, we have given them a puzzle, a puzzle that perhpas

they shouldn't have, and asked them to solve it. In doing this, we will have

voilated the spirit of the PD: we have interfered in their culture's

development. We have gone from merely watching out for their culture to playing

God, which, if I may be so bold, we are not god. Again, if I may be so bold,"

Athalya Anne looked at Cmdr Hargen, "We ARE a Federation starship, regardless of

how far away from that government we are. The PD is what keeps us from being a

bunch of well meaning band of piarates and each and every goddanmed one of has

sworn to uphold that government even at the costs of our lives. It is a

government that has taken upon itself to look after others, not destroy them.

If we were to give them a replicator - no matter how functional - we run the

extremely probable risk of destroying the culture we are trying to save."

Athalya Anne then turned to the window and decided to readopt her policy of

sitting down and shutting up.


LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn