Subject: Re: USS Grail - 'The Great Brightness': Disbelief
Athalya Anne was quaking with anger. 'Danm the Prime Directive?' she
wondered, 'Danm the Prime Directive?'
"Is that what, ye'd do, Eve Susan Mallory?" Athalya Anne spun back around
and all but yelled at her, "Danm the PD?" She took deep breath. "What
does a promice mean to you? Never mind, you obviously couldn't give a
flying fuck becasue if you did, you wouldn't be medling in their afairs.
Same for the rest of you. You - all of you - swore to uphold the
principles of the Federation with your LIVES and now.... now you're going
back on your word. 'Surely,' you're thinking, 'if we can invoke Special
Order 30 to save the Kerstians from a natural emergancy, we can invoke it
to save them from theirselvs.' Well, let me tell you, that simply isn't
so. If we forsake the entire PD, we forsake ourselvs. We forsake our
promice to the Federation that we would up hold it." The Marine in her
was riled. Officialy, Athalya Anne was listed as single. Unofficaly, she
was married to the UFPMC and the UPF. And she would protect her 'spouce'
at all costs. "I, for one, refuse - absloutley positivly refuse - to
forsake what I have sworn to protect!"
LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn