Subject: Re: Grail: The Great Brightness - This House Divided
<<Stardate 43707.30 - 1854 hours>>
<<Ten Forward>>
William Ramius sat at a table near the back of the room, his
weariness apparent as he supported himself with an elbow on the table.
He poked at the remains of his dinner, but paid more attention to the
third cup of coffee that sat beside him, in a vain effort to fight off
slumber. He was in this half leaned over position, looking at the
ever-present PADD beside him, that he didn't notice the shapely form of
the ship's counselor walk in.
Mirka walked into Ten Forward for the third time that day. She had
just realised she had left a PADD behind and since it wasn't in her
room, she thought she might have forgotten it in her hasty departure
with Brinn. She smiled thinking of the ship's XO. She was about to ask
Tony about it when she spotted William Ramius in the back of the room.
She sighed, she had told the man before the meeting that he needed some
sleep, but it was obvious by looking at him that he hadn't listened to
her advice. She walked towards him, a smile on her lips but a worried
look in her eyes
"You know doctor, you won't be any good to any of us if you're too
tired to think straight." She gently scowled while sitting on the free
chair facing him. "Now I thought I told you to get some sleep this
morning, obviously you didn't. Can I know what good reason made you
disregard the counselor's advice" She went on half teasing, half
Ramius looked up at the auburn-haired woman who slid into the seat
across from him. He smiled weakly, unfortunately the best he could
manage at that particular time. But it was sincere. "Stubborn pride,
Ms.Tzavaras, simply stubborn pride. I refuse to acknowledge that the
only person onboard this ship that can save us from this viral plague is
our new ambassador. I've been a doctor for. . ." and here William eyed
Mirka thoughtfully, ". . .more years than you've been alive, I'd wager.
And now this T'Nek," and he said the name with some heavy spite," comes
aboard, telling me that -all- of us are infected, and that -he's- the
only one who can synthesize a cure. I refuse to accept that." William
poured himself a new cup of coffee from the carafe on the table. He had
long since decided to get his own carafe, rather than subject the
10-Forward staff to constantly refilling his mug. "Could I get you a
cup, Counselor?" he asked.
Mirka shook her head. "No thank you, I only drink coffee in...
extreme circumstances", she said remembering her sudden urge for the
beverage when she woke up earlier after drinking more Tequilla than she
should have. "But," she waved at a waiter, "I'll have a cup of hot
chocolate." After ordering she looked back at Ramius. His eyes were
red and he looked like he could barely hold up his cup of coffee.
"I understand your concern doctor and I agree that the ambassador can
be somewhat...hmm... annoying, but you cannot go on like this. In fact,
nobody can." Her eyes seemed to focus intensely on the carafe on the
table, she looked like she was searching for her words. When she spoke
there was concern in her tone.
"I'm afraid that if the news of us being all infected gets out, the
whole ship will go into panic. The people of the Grail must not know of
the situation in Kerestria, it is imperative that they keep on thinking
that they will find an easy cure there. All this information about
there being only two persons who can help us must be kept a secret.
Unfortunatly, with the number of people present at the meeting, I'm
think that is almost impossible. It really is amazing that there hasn't
been more troubles during the past ten days." She gave a weak smile at
"I'm afraid I'm putting even more pressure on you doctor, aren't I?
However, I insist that you stop drinking that coffee right now and you
get some sleep." Her tone got firmer. "In a few days, we will find a
cure for this disease and when that happens we'll need you in shape.
Plus, you're a doctor, you know what fatigue can do to your body,
getting weaker will only make you more suceptible for the disease and we
can't have another sick doctor on our hands."
"Now, if you don't listen to my advice, I'm afraid I'm going to have
to slip something illegal in that coffee of yours that will make you
fall asleep in the middle of Ten Foward, think how that would look."
She had a broad smile on her face again an her eyes had taken a teasing
glimmer. But she was serious about him resting, Ramius could see the
determination on her face.
As stubborn as William Ramius was, he knew that he wasn't in a
condition to go toe-to-toe with the Counselor. On another day,
perhaps,but not today. With a resigned sigh, William sat down the
coffee crafe,and slid the PADD away from himself. "I don't admit defeat
easily,Counselor, but it's clear that you have the upper hand here," he
paused toyawn. "And a few hours could do me well. Thank you for being
the matchof my stubborn streak." William then stood up from the table,
and walked out of ten-forward.
Mika noticed that he had left his PADD on the table. "Oh, well" she
thought picking it up, "he won't need it where he's going". Deciding to
give it back to him latter on, she returned to her grim thoughts while
finishing her hot chocolate.
Dr. William Ramius
Counselor Mirka Tzavaras