Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - `In Preparation for Kerestia'
<<Stardate: 47307.30- 08:45>>
<<Touring the Ship>>
Epic Terrakian had started on Deck 36 at about 06:00. He had only
had about 5 and 1/2 hours of sleep, but he usually only required 4. But,
that was testament to the weariness he had felt from the long weeks of
concern and dread. And the advent of the Torrilion Ambassador had set
him on the keenest edge yet.
Epic had no desire to alienate any potential allies on this
journey. Especially one whose Empire Kyp Firespray spoke of with such
reverence. However, the Torrilions promised to be a difficult race to
deal with if they took such minor precautions as Acts of War.
Unfortunately, if they expected obsequience, they were going to be
disappointed. And more than that, they would have a tenacious foe in the
Grail. Epic took some pride in his crew, now that he had been able to
see them in action.
The Grail crew didn't take shit from anyone. Not even each other.
On Deck 3, Epic decided that his `tour' was over. He was now among
the more familiar surroundings of the Senior Officers stomping grounds.
And his Senior Staff needed no inspirational presence in their Captain.
They had all they needed in themselves.
Going to the turbolift, he ordered it to the Bridge. Upon opening,
he immediately walked toward the Observation Lounge. He entered without
a word to the Bridge Crew. Most of them would be joining him shortly. He
had sent a letter to the crew before retiring, informing them that the
Staff Meeting would be moved up to 09:00 for everyone. It was going to
be an open forum, this one. There was too much new information. He
wanted everyone to get the undiluted low-down on what was about to
And he wanted all their ideas on how it should be handled.
They started trickling in at about 08:56, all present by 09:00.
Good. There was much to do.
Epic noted some faces that he might not expect to find at a normal
Staff Meeting. But Epic wanted things to be different on the Grail.
There would be few promotions [unless there was a death, he begged the
Four Deities that there be no more funerals in the near future] and
there would be no layovers at Starbases waiting for the new blood.
So, Epic had modified some of the advice given him by Mirka
Tzavaras. He was going to give everyone the opportunity to know what was
happening with the Grail and her `family'. He ordered almost every
departmental supervisor and shift leader to the table.
Even Tony Verde, who would have an interest in communicating with
new cultures, could be seen standing in the corner. Jhari Ryes, the
accepted, but not specifically named, Asst. Security Chief stood behind
Logan Castles chair. Jarel Deschaine, one time sabotuer-cum-Project
Supervisor, also stood near to Eve Mallory. Eve and Logan seemed to be
sharing an electricity. Epic looked on.
He saw Arda Kaje sitting quietly and almost regally. Having the
responsibility of a `fighter squadron' as well as a child prodigy had
done wonderful things to her. She had not only risen to the challenge,
but was enhanced by it. Was she wearing her hair differently?
Lt. Major Brinn sat at his right hand, though he thought she might
rather not. Brinn was a superior soldier, a gifted tactician, and a
passionate woman, but the dedication to command might be a burden should
would rather have done without. Certainly, he had thrust it upon her,
but he did so with the expectation that she would overcome this obstacle
as she had all others. In time, he knew, she would. He only hoped she
would give herself the time.
Corvette Hunt stood silent and rigid near the door. The man seemed
to `need' to be in an advantageous position at all times. Despite the
mans terse communication skills and almost detail bare reports, this
ship ran like a mega-corporation, so Epic let the man be.
Dr. Ramius sat silently studying a padd. The man looked like Hell.
His eyes were burdened by heavy bags showing his lack of sleep, but with
his assistant, Oku Ramin, on his back from the viral contaminant, Bill
Ramius was working overtime. Sorry, Epic corrected himself. `William'.
Counselor Tzavaras was whispering something to him, but Epic could not
There was an odd strength in Mirkas eyes this morning. And it
wasn't a thing that he felt was for anyones benefit but his own. Her
strength was defiant, but it didn't defy anything undefinable. It defied
him. Epic Terrakian. Good. She was a strong one, made stronger by her
awareness of her vulnerabilities. She was going to be an excellent
Counselor. She practiced what she was going to need to preach.
Alison Donucci sat almost singly, despite being surrounded. She did
not chatter or whisper or even look at anyone. Her troubles with
Francois DeMontigny were not far behind them. And Francois had received
another unfavorable discommendation from Brinn. That man had better
learn, and learn fast, or these women were going to burn him at the
stake. It was also rumored that DeMontigny had been fighting with one of
the Security Officers, though it was rumored that DeMontigny reacted in
self-defence. Epic shrugged.
Lt. Fionn stood opposite Corvette Hunt at the door. Epic repressed
a smile. It seemed as if the Observation Lounge was `the place to be'
and Hunt and Fionn were checking ID's at the door. And to be certain,
your ID better check out.
Janice Hargen and Kait Brennan were almost the last to enter. This
stood to reason. Their department had had the heaviest workload. And
they had performed admirably. Epic didn't exactly understand why they
had ended up on the Grail, they certainly didn't belong here, but he was
glad they were. He and Janice shared a quick smile that only about half
of those present had noticed.
Finally, Ambassador T'Nek Destazio of the Torrilion Empire and
Ambassador Kyp Firespray of Gamma Alteries entered, escorted by En. Kwan
Lo Pan and En. Tifa Charr. Charr had been moved in the shift rotation to
accomodate the removal of En. Vohck T'Arna, pending charges.
Epic stood, bringing the subdued murmur of nearly a score of people
to an end. He nodded, and spoke.
"Thank you all for your attendance. Before we continue with reports
and anything else, I would like to formally introduce you to Ambassador
T'Nek Destazio of the Torrilion Empire. It is my hope that the Empire
and we, the Ambassadors of the United Federation of Planets, might find
in one another a common ally.
"But the Ambassador brings us news of Kerestia. None of it good,
apparently. I want you all to give him your attention as he explains
their plight.
<<OOC: Ambassador T'Nek, your report on the situation on Kerestia. Be as
complete as you can be, based on the `Life on Kerestia' reports.
Thereafter, this Staff Meeting will be an open forum. I want all of you
to post your ideas, concerns, needs, of this planet. Don't restrict your
imaginations in any way. Can we help these people? Is there a way to
repair their ecosystem? Do we care to even try? What do we need, besides
`Clean Blood'? Everyone must have either a question, suggestion, opinion
or comment. I want to hear them all. Remember, it is an open forum. This
means that before you post, consider the information relayed by the
posts previous to yours. If Joe posts before John, Johns post should
reflect, at least, that information. I am curious to see how an `open
forum' meeting will work. I will be prepared over the next couple of
days to respond promptly to any questions, in or out of character. Thank
you all.>>