Subject: RE: Grail: OOC: Titles?

<Stardate 47307.30 13:15 hrs>

<SickBay - BioLab>

There it was. The silver-coated, modified Romulan Standard Disruptor, who had been Oku Ramin's little secret for the last couple of weeks, lied there, in a safety box, coded with Ramin's authorization code. And retina scan, of course. Now, everyone at that moring's meeting knew he had the cursed gun. Now it was not a baby, but the Seventh Grail of the Apocalypsis, which brought death and disaster. Of course everyone aboard knows what Romulans are capable of, but not exactly.

An alien ambassador, four hours before, had questioned every statement Oku had made in the last weeks. Saying that the infection had properties he knew, the Torillion would have meant nothing bad, except for the fact that he was reading Ramin's thoughts on that matter and looked him like saying "You ignorant, Alpha-Quadrant witch-doctor, know nothing. I do". And also dared to threaten the medical authority of Dr. Ramius, his boss. That's why Oku came up with the weapon possession issue. At first, only three people knew the existance of that device: the captain, Oku and his boss. Now some twenty people did. He knew he acted impulsively, but he felt relieved to know the Torillion had been put in his place. "I'm a doctor, not a diplomat" he thought.

Then Okuy closed the box and sealed it by verbal command. Now it was time for his serum control, to know how was the disease doing. The serum levels of bacterial toxins came down 12% since the day before. Oku accesed his medical file and entered the results. Then he plotted a curve on the evolution of the disease in him against other crewmembers' curves. He found that in everyone the disease had an intermittent course, having a peak every three days. Oku made a bookmark on that and added the reference to his report.

The report was growing larger as the days passed. Oku hoped that he could publish his work on that, if the Grail returned to Federation space some day.

<19:44 hrs>


There was a workaholic Thairian walking zombie to Ten-Forward (Oku felt like that but he didn't seem like that). He entered the glassed door of the place and looked for a table. Everything was taken. Then he saw Counselor Tzavaras alone. He decided to have a friendly talk with someone, and she fitted that category of "someone". So, Oku approached.

(up to you, counselor)


Alfonso aka Oku Ramin.