Subject: Grail: "The Council of Despair"

T'Nek stood and faced the crowded room. He sensed a mixture of

emotions, from fear to mistrust. He coughed slightly to get everyone's


"Antuk Ellios, my friends. I am Ambassador T'Nek Destazio of the

Torillion Empire. I bring you all greetings from the Emperor." T'Nek

pauses for a few seconds, then continues. "It has come to my attention

that your ship has been infected with the K'Pla plague after a battle

with your enemies, and you are going to Kerestia for help. I'm afraid

that Kerestia will be of no help to any of you. One of the main stars

in Kerestia's system went supernova, plunging the planet into an Ice

Age. I was unfortunatly on the planet at the time. Suffice to say, I

was stranded. Things went downhill from there."

T'Nek pauses to take a breath, and a look of regret comes across his


"So many people were to die in the 15 years that followed, as the ice

crept slowly foward, engulfing all land except for a small ring around

the equator. The Kerestians are ruled over by 'The Lords', a selfish

bunch of drug-using animals that have no respect for life. They are

extremly xenophobic, the only reason I was allowed to live was because

I fixed the machines that broke down, as well as formulated cures and

drugs for them.... It's a sad state of affairs. They are completly

ruthless, and have no honor. Ethos be sure, they will stop at nothing

to further their own existance, at the cost of the many. I only

escaped because of the sacrafice of 2 of my closest friends on the

planet. I thought I was dead, but I must have been dreaming, because

my ship was miracuously unscathed when I awoke." <<Though i sensed the

presence of the Seven....>> T'Nek scans the room, looking everyone in

the eye "Kerestia is dying. It's lands are frozen, there is no food.

Millions of Kerestians are dying every day. They are forced to fight

for themselves, or in the seven-forsaken arena. The people of Kerestia

are good at heart, and I swore to them that I would help to liberate

their planet. I beseech you, all of you Save Kerestia."

T'Nek takes a sharp breath, meeting everyone in the eye directly,

while emenating an air of sadness and empathy to all the gathered

people.Everyone was silent, only the sound of heavy breathing could be


"You see, most of you already have the early stages of the K'Pla. I

assure you there is nowhere else close-by that could offer you the aid

you require. The Torillions and Alerians are immune to the K'Pla, but

I'm afraid that your species are particulary vunerable. This ship will

soon become a ghost ship if we do not act now. I can perform some

healing and treatment, but frankly there are too many of you for me to

cure. Kerestia is this ships only hope. Is it not ironic that you

people are Kerestia's only hope as well ? If we can liberate Kerestia,

and help put it back on the road to self-sufficency then I can

guaruntee that this crew can be cured there. But if you choose to

abandon Kerestia, you do so at you peril. Kerestia needs you, good

people. And you need Kerestia. What say you ?"

T'Nek waits for a response and/or questions from the crew. He looks

visibly shaken.

Ambassador T'Nek Destazio

Official Voice of the Torillion Empire

U.S.S. Grail