Subject: Grail: The Great Brightness - Arda
"Release", SD 49804.19
Lt Arda Kaje
<<This is a major catching up log. It'll be long, but I'll be caught up
by the end.>>
Kaje's badge chirped, awaking her from a nap.
=/\= "Lt Jase Calloway to Lt Arda."
"Arda here."
=/\= "We have a situation down in the Shuttle Bay here. The
Ambassador is firing a PhasER randomly around the bay."
"I'm on my way." She tapped her badge. "Arda to Security."
=/\= "Castle here."
"The Ambassador has a PhasER and is proceeding to do damage to
the Shuttle Bay. Could you meet there?"
=/\= "I'm headed that way, now."
"Thanks. See you there." She closed the connection, pausing
momentarily at the nursery, explaining the Kaede she would be back as
soon as she could, and headed for the Shuttle Bay. At least this time,
Kaede didn't scream.
She came down to the bay, noting the PhasER marks on the shuttles
that were there. She sighed. This was all she needed.
"What happened?" she demanded.
"Lt, Ambassador Firespray entered the bay, raised a forcefield,
and proceeded to restart his podd." Calloway gestured behind him at the
podd, partially running, on the floor. "He then paniced and randomly
discharged the PhasER around the room." Castle burst in.
"I had a Security officer looking for him already. So far, two
of my officers have come into Sickbay unconscious."
"Two?" asked Arda.
"Yes. I want to know where he is."
"He shortly came to his senses and left, but I don't know where
he went."
=/\= "Lt Castle. This is Sickbay."
"Castle here."
=/\= "Ambassador Firespray has been beamed into Sickbay by Major
Brinn. He is injured and unconscious."
"Thank you." He closed the connection.
"I wonder what happened....." Arda said, letting the question
hang in the air. Castle shrugged and left. Arda took a breath. "Well,
let's start fixing this place up." The officers took off to start their
duties. Arda tapped her badge. "Arda to Hargen."
=/\= "Yes, Lt?"
"Could you spare a few Engineers? We've had an accident down in
the shuttle bay."
=/\= "I'll try."
"Thank you, LtCdr. Arda out." A few moments later, the
Engineers, two, arrived at the Shuttle Bay. "Lt Calloway will let you
know what's going on," she explained, pointing out the Lt. They nodded
and went on their way. The repairs were finished quickly. Arda grabbed
Kaede on the way back to her quarters. The rest of the lonely days of GQ
passed. There wasn't much to do except mother/daughter bonding, which
they already had over their telepathic link. Then, the release.
Kaje and Kaede managed to catch a holodeck after the release from
GQ. They played, Kaje letting Kaede soak up the sun, even if it was
holographic. The baby enjoyed herself, gurgling away. She smiled. Arda
Kaje knew that, despite being on this ship, Arda Kaede would have a
better life than she did.
Then, Kaje's badge went off again.
=/\= "Shuttle Bay 2 to Lt Arda."
"Arda here."
=/\= "We've got an unidentified shuttle being towed into the
bay. Appropriate personel are en route."
"I'm coming over."
=/\= "Right, Lt."
"Arda out." Kaede knew what that meant. She stopped gurgling.
With a *lot* less protest than the Red Alert fiasco with the Romulans,
Kaede was brought back to the holonanny in the nursery near Sickbay.
Kaje headed for Shuttle Bay 2.
A small Security detatchment was already in the Shuttle Bay
Office when she arrived. Also present was the new civilian counselor,
Mirka Tzavaras. A glance around gave Arda a quick head count of who else
had arrived. Firespray was present. Kaje presumed he was feeling
better. She also noted the entirely black outfit. He looked so small
and young, it didn't fit him. She also noted Epic's arrival. She gave
him a discreet nod, which he answered. All looked out the window into
the shuttle bay as the alerts sounded. The bay was depressurized, the
forcefield sparked out, and a small shuttle engulfed in the blue light of
the tractor beam entered the bay. As soon as it was pressurized, the
Security group was out the door. The rest followed.
<<Welcome aboard, T'Nek!>>
Jessica-Lynne Sullivan
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