Subject: Grail: "The Council of Despair" - Ramin's intervention 1

Oku Ramin raised shyly his hand and looked upon everyone to see if there was no one against his gesture. Then he started this way:

"Good morning to everyone, and nice to meet you, Ambassador T'Nek Destazio" said Oku " With everyone's permission and with all do respect, Lt. De Montigny, and maybe I'd be wrong; if so, please correct me: I disagree. Two things I feel the need to say: First, I'd like to ask you about the health status of the population down there and what are their medical needs. Second: If there is anything we can do for them, perhaps that will be our presentation letter. The Prime Directive, as I see it, can't apply here because we are not interfering with an undeveloped culture but establishing First Contact. And if we do not hurry, according to my calculations, we'll all be dead on two weeks. But Ambasador T'Nek - forgive me Ambassador if I don't know which one's your last name- seems to know more about the infection."

(hope it contributes...)


Alfonso aka Oku Ramin