J'hon was on his way to the mess hall when the call came in. "Brinn to
Roak, I want four fightin' men ready to beam to Kerestia upon our
"Aye, sir." He paused, then addressed the computer. "Computer,
what is the location of Chief Kirby?"
"Chief Warrant Officer Kirby is currently in Gymnasium Number Two on Deck
Twelve," intoned the computer.
J'hon switched directions and rode a turbolift to Deck 12.
Entering the gym, he saw the Omega Company in full combat gear, jogging at
a good clip around the track. Judging by their gait, they looked to be
around mile fifteen of their run. Chief Kirby led the team at a ruthless
pace, haranguing them continually. As they approached, Lt. Roak saluted,
and Kirby brought the company to an abrupt stop.
"Companyyyyy, HALT!" shouted Kirby as they rounded the corner to where
J'hon stood. Kirby approached and snapped to attention, right after
slinging his rifle over his shoulder. He saluted. "Sir, I didn't expect
you to attend our PT. Any news from the meeting of the minds, sir?" said
Kirby, a slight grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"In a moment, Chief. Let me look at my company, here."
J'hon looked over the company. Like all Marines they were fit and
hard-looking. A team of take-no-prisoners, high-speed killers. From the
sounds of it, they had already acquitted themselves well in their last
engagement. J'hon put on his parade-ground voice. "My name is Lt. J'hon
Roak. I am the new commanding officer of Omega Company. I plan on
getting to know each and every one of you soon. As long as you do your
job correctly we'll get along just fine." J'hon began pacing behind the
group. "Your job, as I see it, is to kill people. My job is to tell you
who to kill." He stopped. "Any questions?"
"No, Sir!" The company shouted in unison.
"Good. Chief, please select four marines to accompany you and myself to
Kerestria. Unless I hear otherwise, we will be loaded for bear. From
what I understand, the planet is a war-torn hell-hole, and we may have to
kick ass and take serial numbers. The rest of the company will be on
standby as a rapid reaction team."
"Understood, sir," said Kirby. He stepped to the side. "Sherman! Lavon!
Demott! Johnson! Front and center!" The four Marines stepped forward.
Kirby spoke their names again, for Roak's benefit, mainly. "Sherman,
Steven, Lance Corporal, sniper; Lavon, Vanik, Private, infiltration;
Demott, Charles, Corporal, medical corpsman; and Johnson, Abraham,
Corporal, Electrics and Technology. These are my choices, sir."
"Thank you, Chief. I'll leave you and the team to finish your PT. Semper
Fi!" The Marines shouted "Semper Fi!" and grudgingly formed back up for
the rest of their run. J'hon smiled to himself as he left the gym and the
soothing sounds of Kirby browbeating the tired soldiers.
"Let's move it, children!" came Kirby's voice as J'hon left. "By the look
on your faces you'd think that you'd never seen an officer before! Now,
we have ten more miles to go! MOVE OUT!"
Lt. J'hon Roak
CWO Jeb Kirby