Subject: Grail: "A cry for help"
T'Nek sighed, slumped across the control panels. He had been try to
navigate for over one week, but seemed to be going around in circles. The
only things his scans picked up were dead ships, their hulls torn and
"Idiots" T'Nek sighed to himself. "Anyone from around here should know that
you cannot beat the Great Brightness's gravitational pull."
<<Warning: Unidentified Ship has been detected on Long Range Sensors.
Unable to determine orientation. Assumed Hostile, Going to Red Alert>>
"Computer, Go to green alert. If I'm to get out of here, I'm just going to
have to trust them."
(Several Days Later)
T'Nek sat down on his command chair, and gazed long and hard at the
approaching ship. He concentrated on the ship, trying to visualize it's
crew. All that he could gleam was that the ship was unstable, almost
confused. It seemed to be ready to fly apart at any moment, the whole
situation volitile. He could also sense a real forboding over the ship.
"Hmm. I hope they are friendly. I need help. Computer, open a channel to
the Alien Vessel."
<<Channel Open>>
As T'Nek was about to speak, a sudden dizziness came over him. A sense of
extreme urgency and danger. Not to him, but to the alien vessel. He
concentrated for a second, but all he could make out was "Great Brightness
and Success".
(Regaining his composure, T'Nek speaks)
"This is Ambassador T'Nek Destazio of the Mighty Torrilion Empire. I
require immediate assistance. I am not hostile. I repeat, I am not
hostile.I need your help now...."
(Awaits Reply from the Grail)
Ambassador T'Nek Destazio
Official Representitive of the Torillion Empire