Subject: Grail - The Great Brightness' - `Rage'

<<Stardate: 47307.29- 15:03>>


Tifa's eyes opened, but she quickly regretted it as the bright light

forced her to squint. Looking around, she recognized Sickbay. She was

lying on a biobed and the top part of her uniform had been removed.

Somebody, probably a prude human, had pull a blanket over her up to her

neck. She sat up, an dull pain manifesting itself in her side where

broken ribs had been regenerated. How did she get here...? That's when

she remembered T'Arna.

As the memory of the Klingon's ambush resurfaced, Tifa's temper

flared. T'Arna had attacked her because she wanted Castle for herself,

and Charr didn't care about that, Castle was a big man and could take

care of himself, but by attacking her T'Arna had made it personal. A low

growl escaped Tifa's lips. T'Arna would pay. She would pay for the

trickery and the humiliation. Tifa swore it.

Someone approched her and said something. But Tifa didn't recognize

her, nor did she hear her. She wasn't a Starfleet officer anymore, she

was a hunter. She tried to get up, but the nurse laid a hand on her

shoulder. Immediately, Tifa lashed out, slashing her across the chest

with her claws before jumping off the biobed. Landing on all four, she

hissed at the approaching Sickbay personel, making them back up in fear.

Then she spotted the door and sprinted for it.

As she got to it, it opened to revealed the dark-haired security

chief, Logan Castle. Still in her rage, Tifa didn't recognize him either

and, without slowing down, pushed him out of her way as she headed for

the turbolift with surprising speed.

Ensign Tifa Charr

Security officer, USS Grail