Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Boredom'

47307.25 ; 0900, Chief Kirby's Quarters

"Well shit," mumbled Kirby. The small computer terminal across

from him had beaten him in chess again. He didn't know how many times he

had played. He didn't know how many times he had lost, either, but he had

won only twice, and that was at the beginning, when the difficulty level

was low.

The general quarters order had kept him bound for too long. He

saw his men for their daily drills, but that only took about five hours of

every day. He had dressed down his rifle countless times, and had become

quite good, in his opinion, at solitaire. If something didn't change

quickly, he was going to go nuts.

The only thing that kept him going was the fact that action would

be found on Kerestia. And that was enough.


NRPG: Not much, but until the GQ is lifted, there' not a whole lot to



-Aaron, AKA CWO2 Jeb Kirby