Subject: Grail - The Great Brightness' - `First Contact, pt. 2'

<<Stardate: 47307.29- 23:48>>

<<ShuttleBay 2>>

"Ambassador Firespray.", the captain spoke softly. "Please greet

our newly arrived guest. Assure him of our peaceful, if paranoid,

intentions. Offer him our hospitality and any assistance he might

require. Also, find out whatever you can from him about Kerestia. I'll

expect your report at the meeting that you and I are scheduled to have

tomorrow at 0900. Lt. Donucci will also be in attendance, of course."

Then, he turned to Mirka Tzavaras. "Counselor. Avail yourself to

our Ambassadors. I'll want your impressions of the Torrilion Ambassador

at the Away team mission briefing at 10:00. Thank you."

Mirka's jaw dropped. Terrakian was leaving a kid from a previously

unknown race and that had been onboard for 10 days and a

civilian-made-couselor to initiate a First Contact on behalf of the

Federation? It made no sense. Why had he changed his mind all of a

sudden? She turned and followed him out. As the shuttlebay doors closed

behind her, she called out to him.

"Captain Terrakian! Where are you going?"

Epic stopped and turned to face her.

"You came all this way explicitely to greet this Torillion

Ambassador, and now you suddenly change your mind. Does this have

something to do with why you were preoccupied before we entered the

shuttlebay? What could be so wrong that it would make you forget your

duty? How do you think the Torrillion will feel being greeted, not by

the captain or the First officer, but by a guest and a civilian

counselor who don't know crap about the Federation or this ship?"

She looked into his deep blue eyes.

"When you asked me to be the ship's counselor, you told me you

needed a public relationist. Well that," she pointed to the shuttlebay,

"is a very important public relation. Get your butt in there and greet

the Ambassador."

Mirka Tzavaras

Ship's Counselor