Subject: Grail - "The Great Brightness" - Freak Out! (Brinn)

<<OOC: This takes place just before 'First Contact Pt 3'>>

"The Torrilian ship has dropped it's shields." Lt Fionn informed Athalya


But there was something, something about the way her eyes flashed that

reminded them of the last time they had spend any amount of time together.

If Athalya Anne alternated between any two emotions with any deal of speed,

it was rage and lust. And now she was raging.

"What the bloody hell?" She asked as she strode onto the bridge. "Isn't

ANYONE here capeable of doing their jobs?" She asked the entire bridge as

she and DeMontigny exited. She couldn't help but thinking that she wouldn't

have this problem with a groop of Marines.

And then the idea struck her.

"If you don't want to fucking be fucking Starfleet officers, you can be of

fucking Marines!" She yelled, adressing DeMontigny and Fionn. "Report to

me fifteen minuets after this shift! If you care at ALL for your careers,

you'll be there!"

Then, she realized, she couldn't take it much longer. Between Epic's

obvious sign of distrust and Francois' mutiny, Athalya Anne was fit to spit

bullets. Since she hadn't taken her 'lunch' break, Athalya Anne figgured

that now was as good a time as any to take it.

"Lieutenant junior grade Countreau," she addressed the recently promoted

AsstCOO, "You have the bridge." With that, she was gone.


LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn