Subject: Grail - The Great Brightness' - `Hot Pursuit'
<Stardate: 47307.29- 15:00>
<Enroute to Sickbay>
Logan Castle moved quickly through the halls on his way to Sickbay.
After calling for a sound-off of the current duty shift, he knew that
none of his on-duty personnel were the victims of the assault Dr. Ramius
Finally, he just asked the computer to identify all the personnel
in Sickbay. After editing out everyone who should be there, he had only
one. Tifa Charr.
Castle hissed through his teeth. He had been having a fantastic day
until a few minutes ago. Hell, he was practically euphoric in the wake
of his meeting with Eve this morning. He thought nothing would wipe the
goofy grin from his face.
But Dimitri had succeeded admirably. He did the one thing he
shouldn't have done. He broke THE rule. He messed with Castles lov....
`Loved Ones!', he said it to himself, the admission acceptable now. He
loved Eve Mallory. It didn't make sense AND he had only known her for
less than a month AND she was a Replicant from the deepest reaches of
the galaxy AND... it didn't matter. He felt how he felt. He was never
one to fool himself.
And Dimitri had assaulted that. And his ass was grass after Castle
settled this whole situation with Tifa. He arrived at Sickbay with a
full head of steam. Someone had insulted him and beaten one of his
people, all within the same breath of time. And that meant someone was
getting their ass removed. He wondered who that was going to be.
Suddenly and unexpectedly, the doors to the Sickbay opened,
revealing a snarling and furious Tifa Charr. She didn't even see him,
shouldering him aside and racing topless down Deck 12 like a bolt of
Castle ran after her, but lost her immediately. She wasn't wearing
her uniform tunic, ipso facto, she wasn't wearing her commbadge. He
couldn't use the computer to track her. He was going to have to do it
the old fashioned way.
When he came to the first intersection, he was already lost. But a
startled ensign showed his face. "Ensign.", Castle gripped the mans
shoulders. "Did you see a beautiful naked Caitan come this way?"
The young man nodded in nervous fear and pointed down the hall.
Castle was off and running in hot pursuit.
Lt. Logan Castle
Chief Security Officer, USS Grail